# Exploit Title: Positive Technologies Maxpatrol 8 & Xspider Remote DoS (Force clients disconect)
# Date: 2020-08-20
# Exploit Author: AsCiI
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.ptsecurity.com/
# Affected Positive Technologies Maxpatrol 8 & Xspider Scanners
# Vulnerability reported in 09.2020. No reply from vendor. Tested on the newest release in 08.2020 probably bug not fixed

# MP8&Xspider uses 2002 default port for clientы connections.
# 1. Connect to server with MP8 client
# 2. Go to any browser (I've used Chrome) on https://[server]:2002
# 3. Press f5 endlessly
# 4. It takes 1-4 munutes to crash MP8
# As 1 guess, every connection get randomly generated ID
# When there to much connections, you've got a chance to get 
# present ID for a new connection.