Discovery / credits: Malvuln (John Page aka hyp3rlinx) (c) 2022
Original source:
Backup media:

Threat: Win32.Ransom.Conti
Vulnerability: Crypto Logic Flaw
Description: Conti ransomware FAILS to encrypt non PE files that have a ".exe" in the filename. Creating specially crafted file names successfully evaded encryption for this malware sample, others variants are unknown as they were not yet tested.



Tested successfully in a virtual machine environment.

Family: Conti
Type: PE32
MD5: 99e55ce93392068c970384ab24a0e13d
Vuln ID: MVID-2022-0662
Disclosure: 11/25/2022

Video PoC URL:

Create files with ".exe" within the filename.

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