# Title : Jewelry Shop Management System - Multiple XSS
# Author : @Eawhitehat - Eren Arslan
# Demo available : https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/15426/jewelry-shop-management-system-php-using-codeigniter-free-source-code.html
# CVE: N/A
# Screenshot : https://prnt.sc/K5qLLCel2J2j

Used Payload :
"><script>(/eawhitehat is here/)</script>

Admin account : 
Email: ndevierte@gmail.com
Password: nurhodelta

Method :
Connect to panel : http://localhost/app/

After login with 
1. Go to your profile by clicking on your account in the upper right corner
2. Click on "Profile".
3. Edit your information on the first category
4. Enter the payload "><script>(/Hey Hoy/)</script>
5. Save and the payload will be loaded

Enjoy !