RSS   Vulnerabilities for 'Kubernetes'   RSS



As mitigations to a report from 2019 and CVE-2020-8555, Kubernetes attempts to prevent proxied connections from accessing link-local or localhost networks when making user-driven connections to Services, Pods, Nodes, or StorageClass service providers. As part of this mitigation Kubernetes does a DNS name resolution check and validates that response IPs are not in the link-local ( or localhost ( range. Kubernetes then performs a second DNS resolution without validation for the actual connection. If a non-standard DNS server returns different non-cached responses, a user may be able to bypass the proxy IP restriction and access private networks on the control plane.



kubectl does not neutralize escape, meta or control sequences contained in the raw data it outputs to a terminal. This includes but is not limited to the unstructured string fields in objects such as Events.



A security issue was discovered in kube-apiserver that could allow node updates to bypass a Validating Admission Webhook. Clusters are only affected by this vulnerability if they run a Validating Admission Webhook for Nodes that denies admission based at least partially on the old state of the Node object. Validating Admission Webhook does not observe some previous fields.



A security issue was discovered in Kubernetes where a user may be able to redirect pod traffic to private networks on a Node. Kubernetes already prevents creation of Endpoint IPs in the localhost or link-local range, but the same validation was not performed on EndpointSlice IPs.



Kubernetes API server in all versions allow an attacker who is able to create a ClusterIP service and set the spec.externalIPs field, to intercept traffic to that IP address. Additionally, an attacker who is able to patch the status (which is considered a privileged operation and should not typically be granted to users) of a LoadBalancer service can set the status.loadBalancer.ingress.ip to similar effect.



In Kubernetes clusters using Ceph RBD as a storage provisioner, with logging level of at least 4, Ceph RBD admin secrets can be written to logs. This occurs in kube-controller-manager's logs during provisioning of Ceph RBD persistent claims. This affects < v1.19.3, < v1.18.10, < v1.17.13.



In Kubernetes, if the logging level is set to at least 9, authorization and bearer tokens will be written to log files. This can occur both in API server logs and client tool output like kubectl. This affects <= v1.19.3, <= v1.18.10, <= v1.17.13, < v1.20.0-alpha2.



In Kubernetes clusters using a logging level of at least 4, processing a malformed docker config file will result in the contents of the docker config file being leaked, which can include pull secrets or other registry credentials. This affects < v1.19.3, < v1.18.10, < v1.17.13.



In Kubernetes clusters using VSphere as a cloud provider, with a logging level set to 4 or above, VSphere cloud credentials will be leaked in the cloud controller manager's log. This affects < v1.19.3.



The Kubelet and kube-proxy components in versions 1.1.0-1.16.10, 1.17.0-1.17.6, and 1.18.0-1.18.3 were found to contain a security issue which allows adjacent hosts to reach TCP and UDP services bound to running on the node or in the node's network namespace. Such a service is generally thought to be reachable only by other processes on the same host, but due to this defeect, could be reachable by other hosts on the same LAN as the node, or by containers running on the same node as the service.


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