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BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. A malicious BuildKit client or frontend could craft a request that could lead to BuildKit daemon crashing with a panic. The issue has been fixed in v0.12.5. As a workaround, avoid using BuildKit frontends from untrusted sources.

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Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. Vyper compiler allows passing a value in builtin raw_call even if the call is a delegatecall or a staticcall. But in the context of delegatecall and staticcall the handling of value is not possible due to the semantics of the respective opcodes, and vyper will silently ignore the value= argument. If the semantics of the EVM are unknown to the developer, he could suspect that by specifying the `value` kwarg, exactly the given amount will be sent along to the target. This vulnerability affects 0.3.10 and earlier versions.

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Vulnerability of improper checking for unusual or exceptional conditions in Lamassu Bitcoin ATM Douro machines, in its 7.1 version, the exploitation of which could allow an attacker with physical access to the ATM to escape kiosk mode, access the underlying Xwindow interface and execute arbitrary commands as an unprivileged user.

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AnythingLLM is an application that turns any document, resource, or piece of content into context that any LLM can use as references during chatting. In versions prior to commit `08d33cfd8` an unauthenticated API route (file export) can allow attacker to crash the server resulting in a denial of service attack. The �??data-export�?� endpoint is used to export files using the filename parameter as user input. The endpoint takes the user input, filters it to avoid directory traversal attacks, fetches the file from the server, and afterwards deletes it. An attacker can trick the input filter mechanism to point to the current directory, and while attempting to delete it the server will crash as there is no error-handling wrapper around it. Moreover, the endpoint is public and does not require any form of authentication, resulting in an unauthenticated Denial of Service issue, which crashes the instance using a single HTTP packet. This issue has been addressed in commit `08d33cfd8`. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

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msgpackr is a fast MessagePack NodeJS/JavaScript implementation. Prior to 1.10.1, when decoding user supplied MessagePack messages, users can trigger stuck threads by crafting messages that keep the decoder stuck in a loop. The fix is available in v1.10.1. Exploits seem to require structured cloning, replacing the 0x70 extension with your own (that throws an error or does something other than recursive referencing) should mitigate the issue.

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A vulnerability has been identified in SINEC INS (All versions < V1.0 SP2 Update 2). Affected software does not correctly validate the response received by an UMC server. An attacker can use this to crash the affected software by providing and configuring a malicious UMC server or by manipulating the traffic from a legitimate UMC server (i.e. leveraging CVE-2023-48427).

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Mattermost fails to validate the type of the "reminder" body request parameter allowing an attacker to crash the Playbook Plugin when updating the status dialog.

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A vulnerability has been identified in SINEC INS (All versions < V1.0 SP2 Update 2). The Web UI of affected devices does not check the length of parameters in certain conditions. This allows a malicious admin to crash the server by sending a crafted request to the server. The server will automatically restart.

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Vulnerability of data verification errors in the kernel module. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause WLAN interruption.

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Electron is a framework which lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Electron apps using `contextIsolation` and `contextBridge` are affected. This is a context isolation bypass, meaning that code running in the main world context in the renderer can reach into the isolated Electron context and perform privileged actions. This issue is only exploitable if an API exposed to the main world via `contextBridge` can return an object or array that contains a javascript object which cannot be serialized, for instance, a canvas rendering context. This would normally result in an exception being thrown `Error: object could not be cloned`. The app side workaround is to ensure that such a case is not possible. Ensure all values returned from a function exposed over the context bridge are supported. This issue has been fixed in versions `25.0.0-alpha.2`, `24.0.1`, `23.2.3`, and `22.3.6`.



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