CVE-2017-5999 - sysPass risky cryptographic algorithm usage
Credit: Guenaelle De Julis & Quentin Olagne
CVE: CVE-2017-5999
Dates: 14/02/2017
Vendor: sysPass
Product: sysPass
Versions Affected: * >= 2.0
Risk / Severity Rating: 4.4 CVSSv2
SysPass product implement a risky cryptographic algorithm usage declared in the file 'Syspass/inc/SP/Core/Crypt.class'.
Functions such as GetIV() or encrypt() are vulnerable since they rely on 'Crypt.class' file.
An attacker could use this non standard AES-256 implementation (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256()) to potentially break this cipher.
The fact that MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256() works with 256 bits block size instead of 128 bits changes the used constants (polynoms and matrix) which have not been thoroughly checked by the community.
Use the latest version of the product (2.1)
Greetz & Shout-outs
Guenaelle De Julis