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NetApp OnCommand System Manager Multiple vulnerabilities

2013-05-07 / 2013-05-08
Credit: M. Heinzl
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20130507-0 > ======================================================================= title: Multiple vulnerabilities product: NetApp OnCommand System Manager vulnerable version: <= 2.1 and <=2.0.2 fixed version: 2.2 (only XSS fixed) CVE: CVE-2013-3320 (XSS) CVE-2013-3321 (File inclusion) CVE-2013-3322 (OS command execution) impact: medium homepage: http://www.netapp.com/ found: 2012-11-06 by: M. Heinzl SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab https://www.sec-consult.com/ ======================================================================= Vendor description: ------------------- "You don't need to be a storage expert to manage NetApp storage systems. Configuration and ongoing storage management are easy using the Web-based OnCommand&#174; System Manager. System Manager is the simple yet powerful management solution for NetApp storage it'seasy for small to midsize businesses to use and efficient for large enterprises and service providers." Source: http://www.netapp.com/us/products/management-software/system-manager.html Vulnerability overview/description: ----------------------------------- NetApp OnCommand System Manager suffers from multiple permanent and reflective cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, a local file inclusion vulnerability as well as an OS command execution vulnerability. Malicious, authenticated users can exploit these flaws to change the contents of the displayed site, redirect the user to other sites, steal user credentials, execute system commands and read sensitive information. The vendor will not fix the file inclusion and OS command execution issues, as it is considered a design feature. Proof of concepts: ----------------- 1) Multiple Reflective Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities (internal bug number 654355) - CVE-2013-3320 When configuring CIFS (Configuration > Protocols > CIFS > Configuration > Setup), JavaScript can be inserted into the parameters <domain-name> and <value>. Request (domain-name): POST /zapiServlet HTTP/1.1 Host: [...] <netapp version="1.7" xmlns="http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin";><cifs-setup><auth-type>workgroup</auth-type><domain-name><img src=x onerror=alert(1) </domain-name><security-style>multiprotocol</security-style><server-name>FILER</server-name></cifs-setup></netapp> Furthermore, when creating new LUNs or editing already existing ones (Storage > LUNs > (Create or Edit)), JavaScript can be inserted into the parameter <comment>. 2) Multiple permanent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities (internal bug number 654355) - CVE-2013-3320 When creating new users or editing already existing ones (Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Users > (Create or Edit)), JavaScript can be inserted into the parameters <full-name> and <comment>. Request (full-name): POST /zapiServlet HTTP/1.1 Host: [...] <netapp version="1.7" xmlns="http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin";><useradmin-user-modify><useradmin-user><useradmin-user-info><full-name>test<img src=x onerror=alert(1) </full-name><comment>test</comment><name>test</name><password-maximum-age>4294967295</password-maximum-age><password-minimum-age>0</password-minimum-age><useradmin-groups><useradmin-group-info><name>Administrators</name></useradmin-group-info></useradmin-groups></useradmin-user-info></useradmin-user></useradmin-user-modify></netapp> Furthermore, when creating new groups or editing already existing ones (Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Groups > (Create or Edit)), JavaScript can be inserted into the parameter <comment>. When creating new shares or editing already existing ones (Storage > Shares > (Create or Edit)), JavaScript can be inserted into the parameter <comment>. 3) Local File Inclusion (internal bug number 654357) - CVE-2013-3321 * When retrieving log files through SnapMirror (Diagnostics > SnapMirror Log), the path can be changed to read arbitrary files from the file system. 4) OS Command Execution (internal bug number 654360) - CVE-2013-3322 * When using the Halt/Reboot interface (Configuration > System Tools > Halt/Reboot), arbitrary OS commands can be injected. * To exploit these issues, the attacker must be authenticated as root. The vendor will not fix these issues, as it is considered a design feature. Hence no proof of concept will be included within this advisory. Vendor contact timeline: ------------------------ 2012-11-06: Contacting vendor through security-input () netapp com 2012-11-06: Initial vendor response 2012-11-07: Forwarding security advisory to vendor 2012-11-07: Vendor acknowledges that the advisory was received 2012-11-14: Asking vendor for a status update 2012-11-14: Vendor asks for more time to address the issues 2012-11-27: Asking vendor for a conference call to discuss further details 2012-11-28: Conference call scheduled for 12th of December 2012-12-12: Conference call 2012-12-17: Requested feedback from the vendor 2013-02-07: Requested again for feedback/status update on reported vulnerabilities 2013-03-01: Requested again for feedback/status update on reported vulnerabilities (Received automatic reply (OOTO)) 2013-03-11: Contacted vendor once again, containing publication date of security advisory (2013-04-11) since no response was received since conference call 2013-04-08: Meeting with vendor 2013-04-24: Contacting vendor again with updated advisory 2013-04-25: Vendor replies 2013-05-01: Vendor notified us that version 2.2 was released on 24th April 2013-05-07: Coordinated public release of security advisory Solution: --------- Update to NetApp OnCommand System Manager 2.2 which fixes the stored and reflective cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Be aware, that OS command execution and file inclusion vulnerabilities are not fixed and may be exploited by authenticated attackers. Advisory URL: ------------- https://www.sec-consult.com/en/Vulnerability-Lab/Advisories.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH Office Vienna Mooslackengasse 17 A-1190 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0 Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25 Mail: research at sec-consult dot com Web: https://www.sec-consult.com Blog: http://blog.sec-consult.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/sec_consult EOF M. Heinzl / @2013



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