Juvia secret token handling

Credit: Stefan
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-255

Ogólna skala CVSS: 7.5/10
Znaczenie: 6.4/10
Łatwość wykorzystania: 10/10
Wymagany dostęp: Zdalny
Złożoność ataku: Niska
Autoryzacja: Nie wymagana
Wpływ na poufność: Częściowy
Wpływ na integralność: Częściowy
Wpływ na dostępność: Częściowy

Hi! Juvia is a Ruby on Rails application to host "comments": A commenting server similar to Disqus and IntenseDebate It includes a "default" secret to validate cookies in `app/config/initializers/secret_token.rb', and the install instructions do not include generating a new secret. Also the file in question is maintained in git, and configuration should not touch these files. This means an attacker could modify session state, which is somehow trusted by the Rails application. A workaround for Juvia is to generate a new secret (`rake secret') and replace the one in `app/config/initializers/secret_token.rb' (invalidating all cookies, don't forget to restart Juvia). You have to be careful when switching between git branches and so on to not loose the change. The core problem is that rails generated the file that way; other gems have similar issues. The rails security team has been informed about this. Kind regards, Stefan References: * Juvia "public" secret: https://github.com/phusion/juvia/blob/master/config/initializers/secret_token.rb * Juvia issue for this: https://github.com/phusion/juvia/issues/55



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