OrangeForum 1.4.0 Open Redirection

Credit: Omar Kurt
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-601

Ogólna skala CVSS: 5.8/10
Znaczenie: 4.9/10
Łatwość wykorzystania: 8.6/10
Wymagany dostęp: Zdalny
Złożoność ataku: Średnia
Autoryzacja: Nie wymagana
Wpływ na poufność: Częściowy
Wpływ na integralność: Częściowy
Wpływ na dostępność: Brak

Open Redirection Vulnerabilities in OrangeForum 1.4.0 Information -------------------- Advisory by Netsparker Name: Open Redirection Vulnerabilities in OrangeForum 1.4.0 Affected Software: OrangeForum Affected Versions: 1.4.0 Homepage: Vulnerability: Open Redirection Severity: Medium Status: Fixed CVE-ID: CVE-2018-14474 CVSS Score (3.0): CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N (6.5) Netsparker Advisory Reference: NS-18-044 Technical Details -------------------- URL http://app.scan:9123/login?next= Parameter Name next Parameter Type GET Attack Pattern URL http://app.scan:9123/signup?next= Parameter Name next Parameter Type GET Attack Pattern Advisory Timeline -------------------- 15th January 2018- First Contact 26th June 2018 - Vendor Fixed 9th January 2019 - Advisory Released Credits & Authors -------------------- These issues have been discovered by Omar Kurt while testing Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner. About Netsparker -------------------- Netsparker web application security scanners find and report security flaws and vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in all websites and web applications, regardless of the platform and technology they are built on. Netsparker scanning engineas unique detection and exploitation techniques allow it to be dead accurate in reporting vulnerabilities. The Netsparker web application security scanner is available in two editions; Netsparker Desktop and Netsparker Cloud. Visit our website for more information.

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