Drupal Media 7.x Access Bypass

Credit: robearls
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

View online: https://drupal.org/node/2169767 * Advisory ID: PSA-2014-001 * Project: Media [1] (third-party module) * Version: 7.x * Date: 2014-01-08 * Security risk: Moderately critical [2] * Exploitable from: Remote * Vulnerability: Access Bypass -------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------- This is a public service announcement regarding the "import media" permission, labeled as "Import media files from the local file system," provided by the Media module. The Media module provides a method for Drupal administrators to import existing files from an arbitrary location on the server. Users with the 'import media' permission can import any file from the server as local Drupal files, even those outside the Drupal install directory, which could lead to information disclosure. As such, this permission should be granted to trusted site administrators. In the 7.x-2.x version of the module, you may disable the sub-module named "Media Bulk Upload" to disable this functionality. -------- CVE IDENTIFIER(S) ISSUED -------------------------------------------- * /A CVE identifier [3] will be requested, and added upon issuance, in accordance with Drupal Security Team processes./ -------- VERSIONS AFFECTED --------------------------------------------------- * Media module for Drupal 7.x Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed Media [4] module, there is nothing you need to do. -------- SOLUTION ------------------------------------------------------------ Only grant trusted site administrators the "import media" permission. This permission is not marked as a restricted permission in the following versions: * Media module 7.x-1.x versions prior to 7.x-1.4 [5] * Media module 7.x-2.x versions prior to 7.x-2.0-alpha3+37-dev Upgrading to the latest release is recommended, but not required. Also see the Media [6] project page. -------- REPORTED BY --------------------------------------------------------- * robearls [7] * Dave Reid [8] of the Drupal Security Team -------- FIXED BY ------------------------------------------------------------ * Dave Reid [9] the module maintainer and of the Drupal Security Team -------- COORDINATED BY ------------------------------------------------------ * Dave Reid [10] the module maintainer and of the Drupal Security Team -------- CONTACT AND MORE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [11]. Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [12], writing secure code for Drupal [13], and securing your site [14]. Follow the Drupal Security Team on Twitter at https://twitter.com/drupalsecurity [15] [1] http://drupal.org/project/media [2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels [3] http://cve.mitre.org/ [4] http://drupal.org/project/media [5] https://drupal.org/node/2169795 [6] http://drupal.org/project/media [7] https://drupal.org/user/2460638 [8] https://drupal.org/user/53892 [9] https://drupal.org/user/53892 [10] http://drupal.org/user/53892 [11] http://drupal.org/contact [12] http://drupal.org/security-team [13] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code [14] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration [15] https://twitter.com/drupalsecurity _______________________________________________ Security-news mailing list Security-news@drupal.org Unsubscribe at http://lists.drupal.org/mailman/listinfo/security-news



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