Vulnerabilities for 'Premium ethernet module tsxety4103' 
The Schneider Electric Quantum Ethernet Module, as used in the Quantum 140NOE771* and 140CPU65* modules, the Premium TSXETY* and TSXP57* modules, the M340 BMXNOE01* and BMXP3420* modules, and the STB DIO STBNIC2212 and STBNIP2* modules, uses hardcoded passwords for the (1) AUTCSE, (2) AUT_CSE, (3) fdrusers, (4) ftpuser, (5) loader, (6) nic2212, (7) nimrohs2212, (8) nip2212, (9) noe77111_v500, (10) ntpupdate, (11) pcfactory, (12) sysdiag, (13) target, (14) test, (15) USER, and (16) webserver accounts, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain access via the (a) TELNET, (b) Windriver Debug, or (c) FTP port. |