RSS   Vulnerabilities for 'Mguard blade'   RSS



The Innominate mGuard Smart HW before HW-101130 and BD before BD-101030, mGuard industrial RS, mGuard delta HW before HW-103060 and BD before BD-211010, mGuard PCI, mGuard blade, and EAGLE mGuard appliances with software before 7.5.0 do not use a sufficient source of entropy for private keys, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof (1) HTTPS or (2) SSH servers by predicting a key value.


 >>> Vendor: Innominate 7 Products
Eagle mguard
Mguard blade
Mguard delta
Mguard industrial rs
Mguard pci
Mguard smart
Mguard firmware

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