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xDashboard in OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 has SQL Injection.



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to an XML External Entity vulnerability: /xFramework/services/QuickDoc.QuickDocHttpSoap11Endpoint/. An unauthenticated user is able to read directory listings or system files, or cause SSRF or Denial of Service.



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to SQL Injection: /xAdmin/html/cm_doclist_view_uc.jsp, parameter: documentId. In order for this vulnerability to be exploited, an attacker must authenticate to the application first.



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to SQL Injection: /xDashboard/html/jobhistory/downloadSupportFile.action, parameter: jobRunId. In order for this vulnerability to be exploited, an attacker must authenticate to the application first.



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to Cross-Site Scripting: /xAdmin/html/Deployment (cat_id).



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to Cross-Site Scripting: /xAdmin/html/XPressoDoc, parameter: categoryId.



OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression) v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well) is prone to Arbitrary File Read: /xAdmin/html/cm_datasource_group_xsd.jsp, parameter: xsd_datasource_schema_file filename. In order for this vulnerability to be exploited, an attacker must authenticate to the application first.


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