RSS   Vulnerabilities for
'Raspberry pi 3 model b+ firmware'



The ARM-based hardware debugging feature on Raspberry Pi 3 module B+ and possibly other devices allows non-secure EL1 code to read/write any EL3 (the highest privilege level in ARMv8) memory/register via inter-processor debugging. With a debug host processor A running in non-secure EL1 and a debug target processor B running in any privilege level, the debugging feature allows A to halt B and promote B to any privilege level. As a debug host, A has full control of B even if B owns a higher privilege level than A. Accordingly, A can read/write any EL3 memory/register via B. Also, with this memory access, A can execute arbitrary code in EL3.


 >>> Vendor: Raspberrypi 2 Products
Raspberry pi 3 model b+ firmware
Raspberry pi os lite

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