Vulnerability CVE-2017-2171

Published: 2017-05-22

Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Captcha prior to version 4.3.0, Car Rental prior to version 1.0.5, Contact Form Multi prior to version 1.2.1, Contact Form prior to version 4.0.6, Contact Form to DB prior to version 1.5.7, Custom Admin Page prior to version 0.1.2, Custom Fields Search prior to version 1.3.2, Custom Search prior to version 1.36, Donate prior to version 2.1.1, Email Queue prior to version 1.1.2, Error Log Viewer prior to version 1.0.6, Facebook Button prior to version 2.54, Featured Posts prior to version 1.0.1, Gallery Categories prior to version 1.0.9, Gallery prior to version 4.5.0, Google +1 prior to version 1.3.4, Google AdSense prior to version 1.44, Google Analytics prior to version 1.7.1, Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) prior to version 1.28, Google Maps prior to version 1.3.6, Google Shortlink prior to version 1.5.3, Google Sitemap prior to version 3.0.8, Htaccess prior to version 1.7.6, Job Board prior to version 1.1.3, Latest Posts prior to version 0.3, Limit Attempts prior to version 1.1.8, LinkedIn prior to version 1.0.5, Multilanguage prior to version 1.2.2, PDF & Print prior to version 1.9.4, Pagination prior to version 1.0.7, Pinterest prior to version 1.0.5, Popular Posts prior to version 1.0.5, Portfolio prior to version 2.4, Post to CSV prior to version 1.3.1, Profile Extra prior to version 1.0.7. PromoBar prior to version 1.1.1, Quotes and Tips prior to version 1.32, Re-attacher prior to version 1.0.9, Realty prior to version 1.1.0, Relevant - Related Posts prior to version 1.2.0, Sender prior to version 1.2.1, SMTP prior to version 1.1.0, Social Buttons Pack prior to version 1.1.1, Subscriber prior to version 1.3.5, Testimonials prior to version 0.1.9, Timesheet prior to version 0.1.5, Twitter Button prior to version 2.55, User Role prior to version 1.5.6, Updater prior to version 1.35, Visitors Online prior to version 1.0.0, and Zendesk Help Center prior to version 1.0.5 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the function to display the BestWebSoft menu.

CVSS2 => (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

CVSS Base Score
Impact Subscore
Exploitability Subscore
Exploit range
Attack complexity
No required
Confidentiality impact
Integrity impact
Availability impact
Affected software
Bestwebsoft -> Visitors online 
Bestwebsoft -> Linkedin 
Bestwebsoft -> Captcha 
Bestwebsoft -> Post to csv 
Bestwebsoft -> Google +1 
Bestwebsoft -> Car rental 
Bestwebsoft -> Gallery 
Bestwebsoft -> Subscriber 
Bestwebsoft -> Multilanguage 
Bestwebsoft -> Google maps 
Bestwebsoft -> Contact form to db 
Bestwebsoft -> Facebook button 
Bestwebsoft -> Gallery categories 
Bestwebsoft -> Profile extra 
Bestwebsoft -> Sender 
Bestwebsoft -> Pagination 
Bestwebsoft -> Job board 
Bestwebsoft -> Custom admin page 
Bestwebsoft -> Realty 
Bestwebsoft -> Portfolio 
Bestwebsoft -> Htaccess 
Bestwebsoft -> Latest posts 
Bestwebsoft -> Relevant - related posts 
Bestwebsoft -> Google captcha (recaptcha) 
Bestwebsoft -> Error log viewer 
Bestwebsoft -> User role 
Bestwebsoft -> Pinterest 
Bestwebsoft -> Testimonials 
Bestwebsoft -> Contact form 
Bestwebsoft -> Social buttons pack 
Bestwebsoft -> Google adsense 
Bestwebsoft -> Email queue 
Bestwebsoft -> Featured posts 
Bestwebsoft -> Timesheet 
Bestwebsoft -> Custom fields search 
Bestwebsoft -> Limit attempts 
Bestwebsoft -> Re-attacher 
Bestwebsoft -> Twitter button 
Bestwebsoft -> Pdf & print 
Bestwebsoft -> Google analytics 
Bestwebsoft -> Quotes and tips 
Bestwebsoft -> Popular posts 
Bestwebsoft -> Google shortlink 
Bestwebsoft -> Zendesk help center 
Bestwebsoft -> Promobar 
Bestwebsoft -> Google sitemap 
Bestwebsoft -> Donate 
Bestwebsoft -> Custom search 
Bestwebsoft -> Updater 
Bestwebsoft -> Contact form multi 
Bestwebsoft -> SMTP 


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