Microsoft Windows UAC Privilege Escalation
Stefan Kanthak
Microsoft SAFER Bypass
Stefan Kanthak

CVEMAP Search Results

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Premiere Pro versions 23.6.5, 24.4.1 and earlier are affected by an Untrusted Search Path vulnerability that could lead to arbitrary code execution. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by inserting a malicious file into the search path, which the application might execute instead of the legitimate file. This could occur when the application uses a search path to locate executables or libraries. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction, attack complexity is high.

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A local low privileged attacker can use an untrusted search path in a CHARX system utility to gain root privileges. 

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Lightroom Desktop versions 7.1.2 and earlier are affected by an Untrusted Search Path vulnerability that could result in arbitrary code execution in the context of the current user. If the application uses a search path to locate critical resources such as programs, then an attacker could modify that search path to point to a malicious program, which the targeted application would then execute. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction in that a victim must open a malicious file.

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WiX toolset lets developers create installers for Windows Installer, the Windows installation engine. The .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. This impacts any installer built with the WiX installer framework. This issue has been patched in version 4.0.4.

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Creditcoin is a network that enables cross-blockchain credit transactions. The Windows binary of the Creditcoin node loads a suite of DLLs provided by Microsoft at startup. If a malicious user has access to overwrite the program files directory it is possible to replace these DLLs and execute arbitrary code. It is the view of the blockchain development team that the threat posed by a hypothetical binary planting attack is minimal and represents a low-security risk. The vulnerable DLL files are from the Windows networking subsystem, the Visual C++ runtime, and low-level cryptographic primitives. Collectively these dependencies are required for a large ecosystem of applications, ranging from enterprise-level security applications to game engines, and don�??t represent a fundamental lack of security or oversight in the design and implementation of Creditcoin. The blockchain team takes the stance that running Creditcoin on Windows is officially unsupported and at best should be thought of as experimental.

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GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. There is an incomplete fix for CVE-2023-40590. On Windows, GitPython uses an untrusted search path if it uses a shell to run `git`, as well as when it runs `bash.exe` to interpret hooks. If either of those features are used on Windows, a malicious `git.exe` or `bash.exe` may be run from an untrusted repository. This issue has been patched in version 3.1.41.

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Untrusted Search Path in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.1833.

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GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. When resolving a program, Python/Windows look for the current working directory, and after that the PATH environment. GitPython defaults to use the `git` command, if a user runs GitPython from a repo has a `git.exe` or `git` executable, that program will be run instead of the one in the user's `PATH`. This is more of a problem on how Python interacts with Windows systems, Linux and any other OS aren't affected by this. But probably people using GitPython usually run it from the CWD of a repo. An attacker can trick a user to download a repository with a malicious `git` executable, if the user runs/imports GitPython from that directory, it allows the attacker to run any arbitrary commands. There is no fix currently available for windows users, however there are a few mitigations. 1: Default to an absolute path for the git program on Windows, like `C:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd\\git.EXE` (default git path installation). 2: Require users to set the `GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE` environment variable on Windows systems. 3: Make this problem prominent in the documentation and advise users to never run GitPython from an untrusted repo, or set the `GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE` env var to an absolute path. 4: Resolve the executable manually by only looking into the `PATH` environment variable.

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Adobe Acrobat Reader versions 23.003.20244 (and earlier) and 20.005.30467 (and earlier) are affected by an Untrusted Search Path vulnerability that could lead to Application denial-of-service. An attacker could leverage this vulnerability if the default PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy is set to Unrestricted, making the attack complexity high. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction in that a victim must open a malicious file.

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Creative Cloud version 5.9.1 (and earlier) is affected by an Untrusted Search Path vulnerability that might allow attackers to execute their own programs, access unauthorized data files, or modify configuration in unexpected ways. If the application uses a search path to locate critical resources such as programs, then an attacker could modify that search path to point to a malicious program, which the targeted application would then execute. The problem extends to any type of critical resource that the application trusts.



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