Med. |
TeamPass SQL InjectionDork: intitle:"Teampass" + inurl:index.php?page=items |
22.03.2025 |
Med. |
Agile Solutio - Blind Sql Injection VulnerabilityDork: "Design and Developed by Agile Solution" |
13.03.2025 |
Med. |
IdoDesigns - Multiple VulnerabilitiesDork: "Design by" |
05.03.2025 |
Med. |
Library-Card-System V 1.0 | Add Picture/Signature - signup.php | Unrestricted File Upload | Found By Maloy Roy OrkoDork: inurl: signup.php |
27.02.2025 |
Med. |
Needyamin | Library-Card-System 1.0 | card.php?id= SQL Injection | Found By Maloy Roy OrkoDork: inurl: card.php?id= |
27.02.2025 |
Low |
needyamin Library Card System Registration Page signup.php cross site scriptingDork: inurl: signup.php |
24.02.2025 |
Low |
Image_Gallery | Add Gallery- admin/gallery.php | Unrestricted File Upload | Found By Maloy Roy OrkoDork: inurl: admin/gallery.php |
24.02.2025 |
Low |
Image_Gallery | view.php?username= | Cross Site Scripting (Reflected XSS) | Found By Maloy Roy OrkoDork: inurl: view.php?username= |
24.02.2025 |
Med. |
Library-Card-System | SQL Injection Admin Login Bypass In admin.php | Found By Maloy Roy OrkoDork: inurl: /admin.php |
24.02.2025 |
Med. |
SolarView Compact 6.00 - Command InjectionDork: http.html:"solarview compact" |
13.02.2025 |
High |
MySchool 1.0 SQL Injection / Code Injection / XSS / CSRFDork: inurl:web/teacher_app |
01.02.2025 |
High |
Netman 204 - Broken Access Control Remote commandDork: Shodan : Description: Netman 204 |
28.01.2025 |
Med. |
NeoServ Studio - Website Builder Manager Admin SQLi BypassDork: inurl:index.php?open=login intext:"Website Builder Manager" |
21.01.2025 |
Med. |
Ecommerce-PHP-kurniaramadhan-1.0- Stored Cross Site ScriptingDork: "Powered by kurniaramadhan" |
12.01.2025 |
Med. |
Ecommerce dynamic v1 - Sql InjectionDork: intext:"Ecommerce-dynamic-website" |
07.01.2025 |
Med. |
TheDotStudios Web Application Union-based Sql InjectionDork: TheDotStudios |
05.01.2025 |
Low |
VULNERABILITY: Website Iranian goverment admin find and Automatic Bypassing 0day attackerDork: admin login.php |
05.01.2025 |
Med. |
WebSenor InfoTech - Blind Sql Injection VulnerabilityDork: "Powered By: WebSenor InfoTech" |
02.01.2025 |
Med. |
Ecommerce-PHP-kurniaramadhan-1.0- Sql Injection To XSSDork: "Powered by kurniaramadhan" |
25.12.2024 |
Med. |
WebKraze - Sql InjectionDork: "Powered by WebKraze" |
18.12.2024 |