--Security Report--
Advisory: XSS attack on Superonline.com email service.
Author: Mustafa Can Bjorn "nukedx a.k.a nuker" IPEKCI
Date: 12/01/06 08:47 PM
ICQ: 10072
MSN/Email: nukedx (at) nukedx (dot) com [email concealed]
Web: http://www.nukedx.com
Vendor: MiniNuke (www.miniex.net)
Version: 1.8.2 and prior versions must be affected.
About:Via this method remote attacker can inject SQL query to the news.asp
How&Example: GET -> http://[site]/news.asp?Action=Print&hid=[SQLQuery]
Columns of MEMBERS:
uye_id = userid
sifre = md5 password hash
g_soru = secret question.
g_cevap = secret answer
email = mail address
isim = name
icq = ICQ Uin
msn = MSN Sn.
aim = AIM Sn.
meslek = job
cinsiyet = gender
yas = age
url = url
imza = signature
mail_goster = show mail :P
avurl = avatar url
avatar = avatar
Thanks to ajan;)
From the NWPX team,
nuker a.k.a nukedx