phpAdsNew and phpPgAds 2.0.8 fix multiple vulnerabilities

Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-Other

CVSS Base Score: 4.3/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: None
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: None

======================================================================== phpAdsNew / phpPgAds security advisory PHPADSNEW-SA-2006-001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advisory ID: PHPADSNEW-SA-2006-001 Date: 2006-Mar-27 Security risk: medium risk Applications affetced: phpAdsNew, phpPgAds Versions affected: <= 2.0.7 Versions not affected: >= 2.0.8 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Vulnerability 1: HTML injection / Cross-site scripting ======================================================================== Description ----------- Some scripts inside the admin interface were displaying parameters collected by the delivery scripts without proper sanitizing or escaping. The delivery scripts have public access, while the admin interface is restricted to logged in users. An attacker could inject HTML/XSS code which could be displayed/executed in a later time inside the admin interface. Solution -------- - Upgrade to phpAdsNew or phpPgAds 2.0.8. ======================================================================== Vulnerability 2: HTML injection / Cross-site scripting ======================================================================== Description ----------- The login form was sending back to the browser the unmodified query string, making possible for an attacker to inject HTML/XSS code by using a specifically crafted URL. Solution -------- - Upgrade to phpAdsNew or phpPgAds 2.0.8. Contact informations ==================== The security contact for phpAdsNew and phpPgAds can be reached at: <security AT phpadsnew DOT com> Best regards -- Matteo Beccati

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