MT (Movable Type) is a Blog software.
MT has a XSS filter to remove scripts from user inputs,
but there are ways to evade the filter using malformed input.
Movable Type <= 3.33
By the default, Blog readers are allowed to post comments
containing html tags.
Attackers may post malformed comments as below.
1. NULL byte in number entitiy reference.
<A href="javascript[0x00]8;alert();">link</A>
2. Unfinished tag in the tail of comment.
<P><BR style="xss:expression(alert())"
MT's filter fails to sanitize these comments.
Scripts in these comments may run in certain browsers
(maybe in IE ONLY).
- Cookies theft.
- Web pages defacing.
Upgrade MT to the newest version.
Six Apart fixed these problems in v3.34.
See #46226.
teracci2002 (at) yahoo.co (dot) jp [email concealed]