Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities in World Recipe 2.11

2008-12-15 / 2008-12-16
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 4.3/10
Impact Subscore: 2.9/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: None
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: None

Armorize Technologies Security Advisory (Armorize-ADV-2008-0001) Title: Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities in World Recipe 2.11 Date: 2008/12/15 Status: Full Class: Input Validation Error Bugtraq ID: N/A Category: Cross Site Scripting Language: ASP.NET (C#) Description Armorize-ADV-2008-0001 discloses multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities that are found in World Recipe, which is an ASP.NET 2.0 C# application and SQL Database with stored procedure to contain and display recipes in a wide variety of categories. Discussion World Recipe is vulnerable to cross-site scripting attack because it fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input. Exploiting this vulnerability may allow an attacker to make targeted users executing arbitrary scripts in the context of the affected website. As a result, the attacker may be able to steal authentication credentials such as cookie, to alter the integrity of the visited page, and to launch other attacks such as phishing and force redirect. Exploit:[PATH]/emailrecipe.aspx GET variables "n" is vulnerable.[PATH]/recipedetail.aspx GET variable "id" is vulnerable.[PATH]/validatefieldlength.aspx GET variable "catid" is vulnerable. Vulnerable Vendor: Ex-designz ( Software: World Recipe Version: 2.11 URL: Suggested Solution: 1. Constrain all input. 2. Reject all prohibited input. 3. Escape every input. Disclosure Timeline: 2008/12/12 Vendor notification 2008/12/15 Full disclosure at SecurityFocus mailing list Credit: Armorize Security Taskforce (ASF) at Armorize Technologies, Inc. (security dot armorize dot com) Armorize Technologies is a software security company focusing on Web application security. The award-winning automated source code analysis solution, CodeSecure, provides the simplest and most accurate solution for identifying the root causes of vulnerabilities directly in the Web application source code and for enforcing Secure Software Development Lifecycle (Secure SDLC) effectively and efficiently. Find out more at Armorize Technologies website,


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