EkinBoard <= 1.1.0 Remote File Upload / Auth Bypass Vulnerabilities

2009-09-02 / 2009-09-03
Credit: underwater
Risk: Medium
Local: No
Remote: Yes

----[ EkinBoard Remote File Upload / Auth Bypass ... ITDefence.ru Antichat.ru ] EkinBoard >= 1.1.0 Remote File Upload / Auth Bypass Eugene Minaev underwater@itdefence.ru .\ \\ -[ ITDEFENCE.ru Security advisory ]- // // / . We can bypass admin authorization if register_globals on . All admin panel script include this code <?php if(!in_array(2, $_groups)){ die("<center><span class=red>You need to be an admin to access this page!</span></center>"); } ?> test1.ru/skvoznoy/backup.php?_groups[]=2 There is a bug in upload function . We can upload any file bypass filters . Name your shell like file.php.gif and select it as your avatar . Then check uploaded/avatars/filename_your_id.php ----[ FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE :: underWHAT?! , gemaglabin ]



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