WWWThreads 5.0.8 Pro Cross Site Scripting

Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

www.eVuln.com advisory: Non-persistent XSS in WWWThreads (perl version) Summary: http://evuln.com/vulns/157/summary.html Details: http://evuln.com/vulns/157/description.html -----------Summary----------- eVuln ID: EV0157 Software: n/a Vendor: WWWThreads Version: v5.0.8 Pro (perl version) Critical Level: low Type: Cross Site Scripting Status: Unpatched. No reply from developer(s) PoC: Available Solution: Not available Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu ( http://evuln.com/ ) --------Description-------- It is possible to inject xss code into view parameter in showflat.pl script. Parameter view is not sanitized before being used in HTML code --------PoC/Exploit-------- Non-persistent XSS Example. XSS example: http://website/cgi-bin/forum/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=forum&Number=111&page=0&view="<XSS>expanded&sb=1&part=all&vc=1 ---------Solution---------- Not available ----------Credit----------- Vulnerability discovered by Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu http://evuln.com/malicious-site.html - recent eVuln article

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