T-Dreams Job Seekers Package 3.0 SQL Injection

2011-08-28 / 2011-08-29
Credit: R4dc0re
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

CVSS Base Score: 7.5/10
Impact Subscore: 6.4/10
Exploitability Subscore: 10/10
Exploit range: Remote
Attack complexity: Low
Authentication: No required
Confidentiality impact: Partial
Integrity impact: Partial
Availability impact: Partial

# Author: R4dc0re # Exploit Title: T-Dreams Job Seekers Package SQL injection Vulnerability # Date: 04-12-2010 # Vendor or Software Link:http://t-dreams.com # Category:WebApp #Demo Link:http://t-dreams.com/demo/jobcareerV3 #Version:3.0 #Price:279$ #Contact: R4dc0re@yahoo.fr #Website: www.1337db.com #Greetings to: R0073r(1337db.com), L0rd CrusAd3r,Sid3^effects and to rest of the 1337db members Submit Your Exploit at Submit@1337db.com ######################################################################################## [Product Detail] Job Seekers can post their C.V.s and contact employers for free. Employers (companies) can post as many Job Ads as they need. Users can modify their posts later or delete them through a security system. The System is provided with Advanced Search Capabilities.. The system Allows admin to control how many Jobs Ads a company can post (e.g., for free). It allows too how many job seekers a company can contact (e.g., for free).. and a lot of related features [Vulnerability] SQL Injection: http://t-dreams.com/demo/jobcareerV3/Resumes/TD_RESUME_Indlist.asp?z_Residency=[Code] ########################################################################################



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